Page 130 of Regency Mid-Summer Mischief
“Come,” he said softly, capturing her ungloved hand in his. Warmth rushed up his arm as he led her across the room, pausing briefly to assure himself that Lady Jenest had not left the butler on guard. Seeing no one about, he instructed, “Stay close.” Then, he led her across the hall and through the door to the servants’ entrance. Once inside, he said, “We should descend to the main floor and then return. I would not put it past Lady Jenest to search for you below before she returns to her suite. Her Ladyship is not one who will succumb easily to my threat.”
Miss Everley nodded her agreement, but she had yet to look at him, which bothered Grand more than he would like. However, there was no time to question her. Instead, he led her down the narrow stairs to Lady Jenest’s library.
They had just stepped into the room and closed the servants’ door and taken perhaps ten steps toward the room’s centre when the main door to the room swung open: Lady Jenest stood behind the butler, who carried a brace of lit candles. Disappointment marked Lady Jenest’s features as Grandison spoke.
“As I was saying, my dear,” he said to Miss Everley, “it appears that Lady Jenest has sought us out in the hope of proving that my threat was a weak ploy for me to escape without all of Society learning what happened here five days ago.” He turned to her Ladyship. “Is such your choice, my lady? Do you wish all gathered this evening at Jenest Hall to know of your perfidy?”
“My perfidy?” she hissed.
Grand said smoothly. “You do not think that Lord Liverpool will wish to set the blame of a missing necklace on the shoulders of powerful Lords without proof, do you? I do not wish to be unkind, my Lady, but, in truth, as a widow, you are a commoner, for your title was an extension of your late husband’s peerage and your marriage. You may still have the courtesy of being spoken of as ‘Lady Jenest’ but the privilege of peerage will no longer protect you in the Lords if you are brought before that group for theft.”
Lady Jenest hissed, “You are a despicable human being, Grandison Franklyn!”
“I agree, my Lady,” he said coldly. “Now, do as I have instructed. Miss Snowden and I will return to your quarters to await your appearance on Mr. Dostoff’s arm.”
Her Ladyship glared at him, but she turned on her heel and marched away, followed closely by her butler. Grand waited until the sound of her Ladyship’s footsteps faded before he turned to gather Miss Everley into his arms.
“I have you,” he whispered into her hair. “I will protect you.”
She was sobbing, and Grand’s heart ached, for he knew that he had placed her in this position. Certainly, Miss Everley had readily agreed to assist him; yet, he could have refused. It was his sense of self-worth, not hers, which had placed her in danger. He should have known that she might possess her father’s skills for larceny, but not the man’s daring. Thomas Everley enjoyed the idea of fooling others more than he did the wealth it provided him.
“I was so frightened,” she whispered against his chest.
Using his fingertips, he lifted her chin so he might look upon her lovely countenance. With his thumbs, he wiped away the dampness marking her cheeks.
“You may possess many of your father’s skills, but you do not possess his egotistical swagger. I cannot say that I object. I prefer you the way you are — a bit of honey and lemon, especially the lemon. The scent haunts me when you are not around.”
He could smell the sweet warmth of her skin. Despite knowing what he intended was madness, as if he possessed no control, his head lowered to brush his lips across hers. He felt a shiver of anticipation run up her spine, and a matching one took residence in his chest.
He pressed another brief kiss against her closed lips and followed that brief contact with a series of kisses down her cheek to the curve of her neck. Grand smiled, inhaling the unique scent of her skin. Although she obviously moved against her will, Miss Everley leaned into him. She trembled as he slowly raised his head to look down upon her. A soft moan escaped his lips in expectation as her lips parted a fraction to welcome his kiss. He cupped her face with his hands, enjoying the moment more than he should. Her skin was as satiny soft as he had expected.
Just as the tip of his tongue sought entrance into her mouth, the unmistakable sound of approaching footsteps had him gently shoving her away from him. He noted that she swiped the back of her hand across her mouth before turning her back on him. Grand quickly adjusted his semi-hard manhood before he turned to face Mr. Dostoff, who was leading the way, with Lady Jenest just off his shoulder.
“Dostoff,” Grand called, waylaying the look of disapproval on the man’s features. “Miss Snowden and I regret pulling you from your game before the appointed time, but Lady Jenest discovered me in her quarters before we expected.”
“So her Ladyship said.” Dostoff spoke in stiff tones.
The man’s eyes remained on Miss Everley, who had yet to turn around.
“I have explained to Lady Jenest that we have no word of the necklace beyond her safe, and we insist upon viewing the safe and questioning her personally regarding the matter.”
Dostoff turned to Lady Jenest.
“I do apologise for the interruption, my lady, but as Lord Harlow has explained, an urgency exists of which we have no control.”
Lady Jenest glared at Grand.
“I would prefer a more appropriate time, but I understand the necessity of your endeavour, especially as the incident involves His Royal Highness.”
Grand heard the quick intake of air on Miss Everley’s part. She evidently had not yet realised the owner of the necklace until that moment, but he ignored her surprise.
“Then perhaps you might escort Lady Jenest to her quarters,” he suggested to Dostoff. “Miss Snowden and I will follow.”
A lift of Dostoff’s eyebrows said he greatly disliked taking orders from Grand, but the man fully understood the hierarchy of government agents as well as did Grand. The investigation was now under Grand’s oversight.
“As you wish, my Lord.”
The man turned to offer his arm to Lady Jenest and walked away with her Ladyship on his arm.