Page 117 of Doomsday Love
I don’t.
I can’t.
I have so much shit to say.
“The Slayer talked trash weeks before the match and now look at him.” I shake my head. “Knocked him out in less than two minutes. I won’t waste your time or mine if a match isn’t worth it. It takes me longer to shit than to defeat the so-called Slayer.”
Everyone laughs at my statement, the reporter included.
“Ah. That’s great, Doom! Thank you! That’s all we needed. You have a great night!”
I bob my head, and when I look over at Leo, he’s clearly frustrated. I finally make it inside the hotel, my security behind me. I’m glad it’s closed off inside.
“What in the hell was that about?” Leo grips my shoulder, spinning me around. “What did I tell you after the fight, huh? Don’t feed into any of the reporters. They’ll ask you questions and spin on them for the media. That means more press.”
“I don’t care,” I mutter.
“Well, you should, man. It was already enough storming out of that cage like that, looking like a fucking raging maniac.”
I chuckle, turning to face Leo and capping his shoulder. “You worried about me, Leo?”
“Hell yeah, I’m worried. If someone asks you the wrong question and you hit them out of blind fury, you’re getting sued. End of discussion.”
“That would never happen. You know I’m not as hostile as I look.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Listen, you have an interview tomorrow morning at the MGM. Eight a.m. for set up. Starts at ten. Make sure you are fucking there, you hear me? Don’t get so drunk to the point that you’re stupid.”
I nod. “Lighten up, Leo. I’ll be there.”
He smirks and nods. “That’s my champ.”
I hear feet scuffling behind me, and before I know it, an arm hooks around my throat and someone has me in a headlock.
I know it can only be one motherfucking person. The only one that has gotten away with something like this for years.
Otto. AKA Raptor.
“You son of a bitch!” He slings himself around to face me, and then shoves me against the chest, a wide grin on his lips. “I did not see that shit coming. One minute I’m on the side, shouting for you to handle that shit while dreaming of sucking on some tits tonight, and the next thing I know you’re going at it, man. Kicking and punching the shit out of that Slayer! Now that’s how you win a fight and send a message!”
This guy. Who can’t laugh at him?
“I did what I had to do.”
“Why’d you get all berserk after?” He scratches his head.
I narrow my eyes at the man-bun on top of his head. “I was making a statement.”
He scoffs as I glance at Leo. Leo’s too busy talking on his cellphone. “A statement? Man, shut the fuck up! What kind of statement needs to be made? Everyone knows not to fuck with you!” I take it he didn’t see Jenny in the crowd. Good. I don’t feel like hearing his mouth about it.
He bounces on his toes, laughing like a maniac. “Anyway, listen. I’m headed to the strip club to celebrate that fucking win. You coming? Oscar’s pussy-whipped ass bailed on me.”
“Nah. I can’t.”
He frowns. “Why the hell not?”
“I’m meeting someone in the room.”
In an instant, Otto’s eyes expand. “Oh—holy shit! I get you. I get you. Well, listen, if you happen to jizz too fast while thinking about that beautiful win, call me. I’ll meet you.” He grips my shoulder and I nod with my lips pressed.
“Leo, coming to get your dick twerked on?” Otto steps up to Leo’s side.
“Wish I could, but I can’t, kid. Got a lot of work to do.”
“This guy.” Otto makes a face as he points his thumb at Leo. “Well, fuck all of you. I’m out of here. Oh, and Doom—groupies at 12 o’ clock.” Otto dashes out of the hotel before I can even blink.
And trust me, I know why. These Vegas groupies are no fucking joke.
All of them are women, so we can’t exactly shove them out of the way. They scream so loud when they see me, which causes even more attention.
I’m not like the other fighters. I won’t eat that shit up outside of the cages. It’s pointless.
Dex and Ron step in front of me, holding their hands out to stop them before they can reach me.
“Later, Leo.”
“Have a good night, kid. I’ll let you know if anything else comes up!”
I walk through the crowd of screeching women, all of them shouting their undying love. I spot the elevator and as soon as I reach it, I press the button. I glance back as Dex and Ron try holding them off.
I know they’re relieved as hell when the doors shoot open. I walk into the cart and they follow closely behind. The doors finally close, sealing out the noise.