Page 132 of Doomsday Love
“Crazy thing is I knew this would happen to us, Jenny. That’s why I fought against you so much in the beginning. Because I didn’t want that shit to happen.” He tilts his chin. “Do you remember what I told you when we first started messing around?”
“No… when?”
“In the parking lot of Buckley’s. When I chased after you, when you called me a jerk. It was right before I kissed you for the first time. Do you remember?”
I think on it, going over the events of that night. He said a lot of things, but that kiss is one I will never, in all my years, forget. His words start to conjure, and soon they ring in my head like chiming church bells.
“You want me so I’ll let you see for yourself just how truly fucked up I am. I’ll let you decide whether you really want to get to know me, or if you will just end up hating me, which is exactly what I am expecting.”
My eyes expand as I look up at him.
“I told you I was fucked up, Jenny. But you didn’t want to believe me. I didn’t want things to happen that way, but I knew sooner or later, with our differences, it would. My life never goes according to plan. Even now, things haven’t exactly fallen into place for me yet. I’m not at peace with myself or my past, and most of that is because you haven’t been here.” Drake looks me over before pushing his plate away.
We are dead quiet. All I hear is my pounding heart… and the fans outside.
“If all of this is true, Drake, then… I guess I can’t really blame you… can I?”
His eyes flicker up to meet mine. He doesn’t say anything but his face raises all of the questions.
“Yes, I changed my number. Got rid of all of my social media. I made it nearly impossible for anyone to find me unless someone actually came to Yale to see me in person. I did that on purpose. I didn’t want to remember anything. I’m not the way I am because of what happened between us, though. I mean, is our break-up some of the reason why, yes. But that’s not all of it.”
I thread my fingers through my hair, planting my elbows on the table. “There’s all of this shit with my parents. There’s Mitchell, and how I miss him every damn day. And then there are the issues I have with myself.” I laugh dryly. “I don’t love myself enough to love anyone again, not even my first love.”
“But I can make you love yourself again. You can try. Just take my offer,” he murmurs. “I swear to you I will not let you down.”
I shake my head. “Shane is still here. He’s been calling all morning.”
“Fuck him,” he snarls. “He’s not who you want. I am.”
That may be true, but I won’t admit that to him. I put my focus on the floor, lips twisting, and leg bouncing. Drake slides his chair closer to me and then grabs one of my hands.
He tilts my chin with his forefinger and when I meet his eyes, they are much softer now. There is no hostility or anger. There isn’t even sadness. There is pure adoration and respect.
“I don’t give a damn about the paparazzi, the fans, or even the money,” he states. “I will not put fighting over you ever again. Right now, you come first. I had a conference at twelve and I rescheduled it to shop with you. I had a photo shoot with the belt at two, but I’m here now. With you. I had a full schedule, Jenny, but all of that stuff can be put on hold, because what I’ve learned from my mistakes is that love doesn’t wait for anyone. Love moves like lightning, and if I’m not on Zeus’s bolt, I will never catch up.” He sighs and then smirks. “I’m on the bolt now, Jenny, and I’m not letting it escape me this time.” He squeezes my hand, and a soft smile graces his lips.
God, how can I say no to that face? All of what he’s saying is so heartfelt and real. It’s so deep and passionate and right now, all I want to do is scream yes.
Drake doesn’t do passion or sincerity, but I can tell he’s changed.
I can tell he really regrets letting me go.
I can tell that he wants me more than anything else in this world right now.
Deep down, I know he means this. I know he wants this just as badly as I have for the past four years. We’ve already spent the past thirteen hours together. I slept in bed with him, for goodness sake. Why not continue it?
Shane will call, but I can ignore him.