Page 141 of Doomsday Love
“Please,” she begs. “Don’t go. Just stay. Please!”
“Tell me, Jenny. Now! I need to know! How long?!”
“I—I don’t know. It started last year sometime, but—”
“There is no fucking but.”
A year. He was hurting my Jenny for an entire fucking year?
I pull away from her and storm for the stairs. She can’t catch me, though she tries. I’m too quick, and I’m down them before I know it.
He hurt my girl—my anchor, for a year. A whole fucking year!
I guess I have no choice but to give him a year’s worth of ass beatings.
He’s fucked with the wrong woman.
This is just like Flex and Mom all over again. He hurt my mother. Belittled her, made her resort to drugs. For Jenny it is alcohol, but I won’t tolerate that shit.
I will not allow her to turn her life into shambles. She will not spiral because of a fucked-in-the-head pussy like him.
Jenny was my golden girl. She was, and still is, my fucking life.
He’s not getting away with this shit. I don’t care if it’s over my dead body, he will fucking pay for what he did to her.
Chapter 36
“Preach!” I shout as I run back down the hallway. “We need to go after him!”
Preach frowns with a swift shake of his head. “I don’t think that’s smart, Jenny. Once that kid has his mind set, there is no changing it.”
“No—that’s where you’re wrong. I can change it! He will listen to me. I just have to stay in his ear.”
Preach looks me over, and then he exhales. Marching for the elevator, he grumbles, “Come on,” and I follow suit.
When we step into the cart, he says, “He’s probably halfway there by now.”
“We have time. He doesn’t know the room number. He won’t find him.” I pull out my cellphone, but Preach swipes it out of my hand. “Hey—what the hell are you doing?!”
“You better not be calling that fucker—your boyfriend.”
I snatch my phone back out of his hand and scowl at him. “For your information I was calling Oscar. He’s good at calming Drake down too. And Shane is not my fucking boyfriend.”
Preach nods. “Oh… Good.”
I side-eye him as I call Oscar. Oscar doesn’t answer his phone after the second try so I call Kylie. To my luck, she answers.
“Jenny!” she sings.
“Kylie—let me speak to Oscar please!”
“Okay, one sec, baby love. We’re at the hotel. He’s in the bathroom.”
I fidget, my nerves on end.
The phone rustles a bit, and I hear Oscar ask, “Who is it?” in the background.
Then his voice is louder.
“Jenny? What’s up?”
“Hey, Oscar. I know you are trying to spend your time with Kylie right now, and I’m so sorry for interrupting it, but there are bigger, more important matters at hand that I think need your attention.”
“What are you talking about?” He sounds agitated.
“Um…” I release a shaky breath. “Drake went to find Shane.”
“He did WHAT?! Why would he be doing that?”
My throat thickens. “He… saw a bruise on my thigh. I almost forgot it was there until—” I clamp my mouth shut.
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Shit, I knew it. I fucking knew I wasn’t hearing shit. All right. What hotel is the piece of shit staying at?”
“The Aria.”
“I’ll meet you there.” He hangs up in an instant, and knowing Oscar he will be there in a flash. If there is one person that doesn’t want to see Drake fuck up his life the most, it’s Oscar. Oscar has always been somewhat protective of Drake.
I look up at Preach and he’s chomping on his gum. His demeanor is so nonchalant that it sort of pisses me off.
“Why aren’t you concerned?” I ask angrily. “If he goes to jail you’ll be out of a job!”
“Oh, I’m concerned,” he corrects me. “Very. But I know Drake. His anger blinds him. His emotions. He won’t find that kid before we do. He’ll try, but he won’t. And if he does, well let’s just pray he kills the kid so he can’t press charges. He obviously fucking deserves it.”
Preach looks me over. “Shouldn’t have let him see the bruise, kid. I know you couldn’t help it, but Drake is a fucking wild animal and right now he is on the prowl. He won’t stop until he’s face-to-face with that kid—especially after what I know about his parents. When we find him, I can’t go against his word. If he tells me to find that kid and drag his ass to him, I will have no choice because that’s my job. To work for and protect him.”
I nod. “Just—just promise me you won’t let him hurt Shane. I hate him, trust me I do, but I also know him well. He will ruin Drake’s whole life if Drake ends up laying a single finger on him.”
Preach chuckles. “I won’t let him hurt him, but who’s to say he won’t just ask me to beat his ass for him?”