Page 167 of Doomsday Love
She is the antidote to all my rage. My all. She holds me down in ways I never thought possible. When our kiss breaks, she stares up at me, her chest closer to mine.
“It’s more than enough, babe,” I whisper against her lips. “You are more than enough for me.”
Chapter 45
I feel like a brand new person.
The sun is at its peak, and I may have slept in longer than I should have. Hell, after my time in Vegas and then coming here and ridding myself of old demons, I deserve it.
I roll over, and notice Drake isn't in bed. I hear the shower running and sit up a bit. It doesn't run long. Maybe 5 more minutes, as I stare up at the ceiling. My entire body is relaxed.
For the first time in years, I can think clearly. Lyrics start to run through my head—words that can’t be ignored. They are very bubbly, and I crack a smile. I can do bubbly.
I rest my head on my stretched arm as I wait for the door to swing open. When it does, he steps out with a fluffy white towel sitting low on his waist.
I can see the imprint of his manhood and I grin. When he notices I'm awake, he reveals a crooked smile.
"Morning," he croons, lips still formed in that breathless smile.
"Good morning. You're up early. Did you get any sleep at all last night?"
He half shrugs. "I got enough. I don't really sleep in anymore. Can't, really. I train at five every morning for three hours straight and then jog three miles."
"Sounds intense."
He smiles. "We should jog together one day."
"Hmm." I sit up straight. "I'd love that...but you'd probably dust my ass. I'm not in the greatest shape."
He comes to my side of the bed. "Doesn't matter to me." He sits beside me and strokes my cheek. "How are you feeling today?"
My lips press. "I'm a lot better actually. I feel so relieved, Drake. Like my chest isn’t heavy."
"Good." He leans in and kisses the apple of my cheek. "There's somewhere I want to take you while we're here."
I thin my eyes. "It better not be that damn bridge."
He busts out laughing. "Nah. Somewhere else."
He stands and walks towards his suitcase on the chair.
"Where?" I inquire, pushing out of bed.
"I don't want to tell you. I want to show you." He peers over his shoulder. "So shower and get dressed for me. I'll order some breakfast while you do."
I walk towards him, pressing my cheek to his back. His skin is soft and warm and I swear his piney body wash gets me every time. He smells so good.
"I'm glad we're doing this, Drake."
He turns and reels me into his arms. "I am too... Snoop."
I push him away playfully, giving him the stink eye. "You're never gonna stop calling me that, are you?"
He licks his lips, cupping my face in his hands. After placing a soft, slightly damp kiss on my lips, he says "Nope," and then he spins me around, slapping me on the ass when I start to walk away.
* * *
Drake has Bill take a road that I’ve never been down before. And I thought I knew all the secret ways.
The single-lane road is curvy and slim as Bill puts his foot to the pedal. I look out of the window, at the towering trees and the thick, bundled clouds.
Before I know it, the car begins to slow down.
I spot Lake Ultimate and my breath catches in my throat.
And when I look ahead, at the endless body of water before us, I press my back against the seat.
My eyes dart over to Drake but he’s already looking at me.
“Drake… why are we here?”
His face remains even, even when he notices me clutching the strap of my seatbelt. “Because you aren’t done making amends yet.” He opens the door and steps out. The wind tousles his black hair as he digs into his back pocket. When he pulls out Mitchell’s cross, my chin drops. “Come on.” He cocks his head and then shuts the door.
I watch him walk towards the steep cliff, and the closer he gets to the edge, the heavier my heart booms. My shaky, clammy hand reaches for the silver door handle. I start to pull it, but then I stop.
I look at Drake again. He’s standing there, looking out towards the lake. He picks up his hand and looks at the cross for a short while, and then he looks up at the water.
When he starts to draw his elbow back to throw it, I frown and push out of the car, rushing for him.
“Drake! What the hell are you doing?!” I meet up to his side, snatching the cross out of his hand. “You can’t throw this!”
He spins around to face me. “Then maybe you should.”