Page 59 of Like I Never Said
Maybe she just wanted her first time to be with a friend. It’s not like she said she’s in love with me. There’s familiarity and attraction between us. The attraction has always been there; the familiarity has built up slowly.
Or maybe I need to finally face the fact that Auden has more-than-friendly feelings for me, the same way I have more-than-friendly feelings toward her, and then figure out what the hell I’m going to do about it.
Josh sinks down beside me with a sigh. “I’m probably going to regret this, but do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m fine.”
“You’ve barely said anything all day, and Auden hasn’t been around at all.”
“She’s in Calgary with her aunt. She’ll be here tonight.” At least, Ithinkshe will. Both plans were made before certain events last night, and we didn’t talk much after leaving the boathouse.
“This about what happened with Joe?”
I snort. “No, it’s not about Joe. We, uh, hooked up last night. After.”
Josh laughs, which isn’t the reaction I was expecting. “Well, damn. Good for her.”
“She was flirting with Joe to make you jealous, Reid.Obviously, it worked.” He tilts his head back and studies me. “She didn’t think it would.”
I scrub a palm across my face. “We’refriends. I—fuck, we neveractuallydated before.”
Josh just nods. “Yeah, I know. She told me.”
“Confirmed, I guess. I knew you were full of shit about it.”
“It was a bad idea.”
He snorts. “You think?She’s in love with you, Reid.”
“I didn’t—she’s never said anything.”
“Yeah, and why the fuck would that be? Youloverelationships.”
“You know why I don’t want a girlfriend.”
“You’ve basically got one, minus the sex. Or plus the sex, now.”
“We’re going to college three thousand miles apart. How thefuckis that supposed to work?”
“I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who didn’t see that problem comingfromthree thousand miles away.”
“Not helpful,” I snap.
“I knew I’d regret this,” Josh mutters. “Look, you put hockey first. For college, when it comes to everything. Auden knew that all along. She’ll meet someone else, someone who isn’t already in a long-term relationship with a sport.”
“I don’t want her to meet someone else.”
“Uh-huh. You’refinallyadmitting you’re in love with her?”
“I’ve known if there was a girl I—well, pretty much since I met her.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
I sigh. “I have no fucking clue.”