Page 72 of Like I Never Said
Adrian shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He lights up and takes a long drag, letting out an appreciative sigh as he exhales the smoke. “That’s better.”
“That’s terrible for you,” I inform him. The black, shriveled-up lungs we had to look at in health class still haunt me.
“So is a protein deficiency.”
“I get plenty of protein.”
“So…you’re a fake vegetarian?”
I roll my eyes. “Sure.”
He takes another pull of smoke. I watch it float away and dissipate as he blows it out. “You got a boyfriend?”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m trying to plan out the rest of my night.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Well…if you’re game, I’ll factor you in.”I’ll factor you in.It’s such a simple acknowledgement, and yet it’s more than Elliot has ever offered me. Not when it matters.
“I have a boyfriend,” I lie.
“Yeah…I figured.”
“You did?”
“Yep. You haven’t hit on me once.”
I scoff. “You should probably get that ego checked out. It seems unnaturally large.”
He grins around the cigarette. “I’m an actor, baby. Bigger the ego, bigger the star.”
“You must not have met many athletes.”
“Your guy is a jock?”
“What sport?”
He nods. “Respect. That’s intense.”
Mom and Paul finally appear, and I watch my mother glance at the lit cigarette dangling from Adrian’s mouth. I know how much she hates smokers, but she doesn’t say a word. Maybe she likes Paul more than I thought.
That theory is confirmed when she asks me what I thought of him on the drive back to the hotel. Apparently, thereisa first for everything.
“He’s nice,” I answer honestly.
“And Adrian?”
“As a love interest or a future step-sibling?”
“Auden.” She sighs but doesn’t answer the question, I note.
“He’s not my type.”