Page 20 of A Dark Duet
His kiss lights a fire in me that I can’t put out. I never expected him to touch me or kiss me in front of everyone. Diamond was right about seeing what he would do. And I loved his hands on me, setting my body alive, building a pressure between my legs that only he can release.
I change and head out to meet Brie to help her with the tables. She smiles at me as I meet up with her in my fishnets and booty shorts, opting for a tank top instead of just the bra. I see her watch go off, indicating Nate and Jaden’s table needs assistance. I make my way over as Nate looks at me with hunger and desire.
I get to the table and I am about to ask what they need, but Nate speaks up, “Leave with me tonight?”
“Excuse me?”
“Leave with me and I will have you back on Sunday. Stay the weekend with me, please?”
“I can’t, I have work,” I say.
“Take the weekend off. You and Brie can come with us. We have a charity event, and we want you girls to go. We are asking you girls out, officially.” He grins.
“We accept,” Brie chimes in.
I look at her and my eyes go wide. Her head turns back to them. “When do we leave so I can have her ready?”
“Tonight. We came hoping you would say yes.”
“So, you came all the way over here to ask us if we would go out with you guys?” I ask.
“Yeah, I don’t have your phone number, do I?”
“You never asked for it,” I tell Nate.
“Well, now that you mention it, I want it,” he says, his hazel eyes challenging me to deny him.
“Okay.” I pull out my phone from my bra and hand it to him.
He smirks, seeing where I keep it. “Interesting place to keep your phone.”
“Everywhere else you can notice it,” I say teasing.
He looks me up and down and then enters his contact info into my phone. He grabs his and sends me a text.
“Now I have yours and you have mine. If there is anything you ever need, you call me.”
I smile and look at the text he sent me and contact name he entered:
Giselle’s lover: I can’t wait to taste you.
I look at him and goose bumps break out all over my arms when his fingers brush mine as he hands me the phone.
“We will be ready in fifteen minutes, but we need to go home and get clothes.”
“Nah, don’t worry about that. We need to go shopping, anyway,” he says. Jaden is listening and smiling at Brie.“Okay. If you say so,” I say.
We leave at the end of our shift, requesting tomorrow and Sunday off.
Leaving for the airport in a Black Merc, we arrive to board the private plane. They offer Brie and me champagne as the plane takes off.
We are both nervous at the realization of our impulsivity, and we just take the flutes of champagne handed to us and drink in the sweet taste of alcohol. I never drink, but tonight, I am making an exception. I make sure to not lose my head with alcohol, but just enough to relax.
When they offer us more, we respectfully decline. Nate sits next to me and twirls my hair around his finger while watching Jaden and Brie in conversation.
“I’m sorry about the other day. I’m grumpy in the morning. I couldn’t sleep and I feel bad for treating you like crap,” he says.
I am surprised by his apology, but at least he’s capable of recognizing when he treats someone like dirt. I decide to accept his apology. He didn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want.