Page 132 of Heartache Duet
My heart sinks, and I suck in a breath to lessen the ache. “Yeah, okay.”
I look down at the balloons in my hand while she steps around me. And just when I think I can move again, she calls out from behind, “Hey, Connor?”
I spin on my heels. “Yeah?”
She’s only two steps away, and with the smallest of smiles pulling on her lips, she says, “I know that things are different between us now, but I’m always going to be proud of you, of how hard you’ve worked for this, and that’s never going to change.”
“Thanks, Ava,” I tell her, my voice clear. “It means a lot.”
It means everything.
Connor: Ur da only 1 I no whod b up @ 4:40 a m, n I jst needed 2 tell u dat my roommate is snoring. & not da ok, I can get thru dis type of snoring. I mean, chainsaw 2 a redwood. My ears hurt.
Ava: Why are you typing like you’re 12?
Connor: Bc old fone had fight wid a wall & Dad gave me n old flip fone wid only numbers. I sick of pressing buttons.
Ava: Is this the same wall that came at your fist?
Connor: Maybe
Ava: Idiot
Connor: Thx
Ava: Go 2 sleep. Big day 2day.
Connor: It’s hot pink
Ava: What is?
Connor: Da fone
Ava: LOL
Connor: He juz sed TITTIES
Ava: ?
Connor: Snorin roommate
Ava: Connor, you need to get some rest. Throw something at him.
Connor: Shoe?
Ava: Not yours. His.
Connor: K
Connor: He up now. He go for run. I go sleep.
Ava: Goodnight.
Connor: Thx