Page 188 of Heartache Duet
I grin from ear-to-ear. “Because I’m handsome?”
“Because you treat me like I’m human.” Her smile lights up her face. “Now promise me you’ll go,” she says, releasing my hand to tap on her chest again. “Go and find The Happiness in your hearts, just like I did.”
“I promise,” I tell her through the sudden ache in my throat.
Trevor gets up to put his dishes in the sink and pats my shoulder as he leaves the kitchen, “Damn, Connor, you’re like a magician.”
Ava gasps, looks up at me, her lips parted, eyes wide. “My magician.”
In my desk drawer lives a check.
A check for six figures.
Signed by Peter Parker.
The sum is enough to put my mom in a treatment center full-time.
In my mind,
I wonder what it would be like not to have to worry as much as we do.
In my heart,
I try to imagine what it would feel like toabandonher like that.
The check is made out to me.
I can take care of you, Ava,
Peter said.
But it’s our little secret.
In my mind,
I wonder why he didn’t offer it to Trevor.
But in my heart,
I already know.
In my desk drawer lives a picture.
Me and Mom surrounded by fireflies.
When the world is at its darkest,
that’s when the magic appears,
my mom says.
So, in my mind,
I question if the check is a form of magic.