Page 228 of Heartache Duet
“Don’t worry; I didn’t go through it.”
My eyes snap to hers. “I wasn’t worried.” It hadn’t even occurred to me.
With a nod, she looks away.
I sigh. “I take it you’re not going to school?”
Still refusing to look at me, she says, “I have some stuff to take care of today.”
Her gaze flicks to mine. A single second. “I’ll see you later?”
She starts to walk away, but I grasp her hand, pull her into me. I dip my head, my mouth aimed for hers, but she turns away and pulls back. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I’m gross.”
“I don’t care.”
“I do.” She shrugs me off completely. “I’ll see ya.”
And then she’s gone.
I’m not naive or stupid enough to not realize what’s going on or how she’s feeling. We haven’t had sex in weeks, and any other form of intimacy feels like a blessing. It’s a hurdle, I tell myself. A small one. Soon, it’ll be over, and we can go back to the way things were. She’s giving me time, and I’m giving her space…
Because that’s how relationships work…
* * *
I get to school early, making sure to catch Rhys before first period. “Hey, can I talk to you?”
“What’s up?”
* * *
Connor: When are you getting home from work?
Trevor: Leaving now. I should be there in about twenty. Everything ok?
Connor: Yeah. Everything’s cool. I’ll wait for you out front. I need to talk to you.
Trevor shows up a half hour later and pulls his truck into his driveway. I walk over quickly, wanting to catch him before he goes inside. Grabbing the envelope out of my back pocket, I wait until he’s out of the truck before handing it to him. His eyes narrow at me, then at the envelope. He opens the flap and glances inside. “This is a lot of hundreds, Connor.” He looks around us. “What is this?”
I shrug. “I sold some stuff.”
He shakes his head, slams the envelope against my chest. “I’m not taking your money.”
I throw my hands up and take a step back, forcing him to hold on to the cash. “It’ll help, right?”
I cross my arms. “One day, you and Ava are going to realize that it’s not just you three. I’m part of this, too. Miss D—she’s like a mother to me, whether you guys see that or not. I’m just doing my part.”
Trevor nods slowly as if contemplating. “It’s a loan.”
“It’s whatever you want to tell yourself.”