Page 274 of Heartache Duet
Two weeks have passed since that first night with Ava, and because we weren’t really prepared for how things turned out that night, neither of us were prepared. We fooled around, got to the point, then she asked me if I had protection, and I looked at her like she was stupid because why the hell would I? I didn’t sleep around, and neither did she, so we took care of each other in other ways until we fell asleep on her bed in a mass of sweaty limbs and post-orgasmic bliss.
And now, according to her, she wants to wait. Apparently, it’s her therapist’s advice. Because her therapist wants to make sure Ava is following her heart and not the parts between her legs that might be calling to me. I don’t see what’s wrong with her vagina calling to me. I wouldn’t mind it. Hell, it can call to me mid-game, and I’d go running.
I sound pathetic, but Ava—she makes me that way. And she wears dresses now. All the time. And I take back what I said about her being too beautiful to be hidden because I want to hide her. If I had a basement…
Too far?
But, high school with Ava was one thing. Everyone knew she was mine, and it’s not like she was out there, in the wild, wearing dresses and looking all hot and adorable all the time. And it’s not that I wish she’d go back to being “stuck” taking care of her mom. I just… I get punchy and stabby, and college dudes are far more upfront with their leering, and I hate everyone and everything besides Ava.
And Austin, I guess.
He’s okay.
“Connor!” Ava whisper-yells, snapping her fingers in front of my face.
I blink, focus on her.
“You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?”
“That stabby face you make. What is with you?”
“He doesn’t like you in dresses,” Austin answers for me.
“You don’t?” She looks down at her dress.
“No,” I tell them both. “I like Ava in dresses. I don’t like other—”
“How is a dress any different from my old school uniform?”
My dick stirs, and it shouldn’t, especially considering we’re in the middle of the food court, and I really should start wearing more than basketball shorts because they’re bad at hiding certain things and those certain things are happening too often now that Ava’s back. “By chance, do you still have that uniform?”
“You’re such a dick,” Ava says through a giggle, throwing a plastic fork at my head. Then she stands, picks up her bag. She makes her way over to me, kisses me with more passion than my shorts can handle. She bites my bottom lip as she pulls away. “I have to go see Mom.”
She hasn’t asked me to come with her yet, and even though I’m dying to see Miss D, I know she has reasons and those reasons are pure. She wants to make sure that she and I are solid before reintroducing me into her mother’s life. Besides her telling me that she’s doing great and that she’s happy, she doesn’t give me much more.
Which is fine.
For now.
She runs her fingers through my hair, and my eyes drift shut at the touch. “Come over after practice?”
I nod, open my eyes again. “I’ll be there.”
Austin groans. “I miss my best friend.”
* * *
I get through classes and practice and then rush to Ava’s apartment because… well, because it’s Ava. She answers the door in nothing but a towel, and after the initial shock, annoyance takes over. I shove her back in, slam the door shut behind me. “What the hell are you doing? Anyone could be at the door or just walking past, and they’re going—”
“Shut up, Dad.”