Page 47 of Heartache Duet
This is my life now.
After I sent him the wall of text last night, I switched off my phone and managed to get a total of two hours sleep. I didn’t want to see what he had to say or fight him on my decision. It had taken me hours to come up with something I felt was worthy enough to send. I gave him the answers he needed, and with it, I gave him every piece of painful truth.
I was falling for him.
And I couldn’t do anything about it.
But even saying all that, it still hurt when I turned my phone back on this morning and there wasn’t a response from him. I know he’d read it, the proof was there, so maybe that was it for us.
The story of Connor and Ava: over before it began.
It’s what I wanted; I convince myself. It’s what I asked for, really. It doesn’t mean I won’t miss his friendship, or his banter, or the way he puts up with me… or the way he looks at me.
My stomach drops as I stare out at the football field. I pick up my phone, see that it’s been ten minutes since lunch started, and the ache in my heart doubles. Triples. I lock the phone, stare at the wallpaper: a picture of Trevor, my mom, and me on my last birthday. A zero-day. I can see it in her eyes, remember it like it was yesterday. There were no candles on the cake. No poppers. No singing. But there was us. Our mismatched little family; a gradient of skin tones. Trevor being the darkest, then mom, and then me. My reason.
“Sorry I’m late,” Connor shouts, practically sprinting up the steps. “I was stuck on a stupid conference call with Coach Sykes and my agent, something about UCLA. I don’t know; I tuned out.”
My mind does a double take.
My heart does a double flip.
“What are you doing here?” I breathe out.
His steps falter. “Are we...” He eyes me sideways. “Are we not allowed to be friends anymore? Because I swear, I read your text, like, eighty times, and there was no mention—”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d still want to be,” I cut in. “Friends, I mean. I didn’t…”
He sits down on the bench in front of me, a step down, his usual spot. “I’m kind of attached to you, Ava.” He sniffs at whatever food the cafeteria has supplied him. “You gotta work harder if you want to get rid of me.”
I’m beaming, and I don’t even try to hide it.
He chews the corner of his mouth, his eyes on mine. “Ten bucks says I can wipe that smile off your face in less than five seconds.”
Impossible. “Do your best, Ledger.”
“I always sit right here because I can see up your skirt.”
I kick his chest, my mouth open in shock. “You jerk!” Then I cross my legs.
“Red today,” he laughs out. “Green yesterday. Did you buy a rainbow-themed bulk pack?”
“I hate you!”
“You owe me ten bucks.”
“Fuck you, you didn’t earn it.” I try to kick him again, but he grabs my ankles, settles them on his lap. I should kick him there, but I don’t know… he’d probably make a good dad one day, I suppose.
“Speaking of fuck you,” he says, hands still on my ankles. “Rhys invited me to a party this weekend. It’s the last chance to let loose before the season starts, so I guess the team is getting drunk and I don’t know… trading yachts?” He releases my ankles and starts massaging his shoulder.
“What happened?” I ask, motioning to his shoulder.
“I think I tweaked it at practice.”
I put my lunch to the side and say, “Come here.”
“Come here,” I repeat.