Page 96 of Meant for Wolves
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Getting out of the bed the next morning was really hard, and might have been impossible had the men not come in at seven with a breakfast tray.
“How does it feel to be ours?” Alex asked.
Tawny grinned. “Amazing, though I am a little sore.”
Alex waved a hand. “It’ll pass.”
Easy for him to say.
Liam placed the tray on her lap. On it was a cup of steaming coffee and an English Muffin slathered in raspberry jam. “This looks amazing.”
“Eat up and then we’ll show you your surprise,” Liam said.
“I get a surprise? What is it?”
Neither would tell her, of course. Tawny ate quickly and then put on her Wildwood Rescue Center outfit. “Who’s driving me to work?”
Her car was totaled and she was awaiting her insurance money to buy a new one. “You are.”
“In what?”
“Look outside,” Alex said with pride in his voice.
Like a kid at Christmas, Tawny rushed outside to find a new Honda Civic—with snow tires no less. She spun around, rushed inside, and threw her arms around Liam and kissed him. “Thank you!”
“Hey, I paid for half too,” Alex said.
“I figured.” She seductively sauntered over to him and kissed him too.
He shoved his hand in his pocket and withdrew the key. “Be careful with this one.”
“Hey. I'm always careful. It wasn’t as if I drove off the road. I did have help, you know.”
“I know.” Alex winked.
“I need to go. I have to train Julia’s replacement.”
Liam’s eyes widened. “How did you get a new assistant so fast?”
“Easy. Trent Williamson called and applied for the job.”
“Ariel’s brother? Are you sure about him? He’s had a lot of issues in the past.”
“I know, but he loves animals as much as Zach does. I have a good feeling about this. Besides, if he steps out of line, I think Ariel and her men will make sure he pays.”
Alex chuckled. “Okay then. Have a good day and drive safely. But don’t work too hard, we plan to have fun tonight.”
She grinned. “I can’t wait.”
Even though those who had attacked Zach and the others in the family were behind bars—well, all but Paul Franklin—Tawny still watched her mirrors to make sure there wouldn’t be a repeat of what happened before.
Thankfully, the sun was out and the roads clear. She parked at the rescue center to find Trent waiting for her. The others weren’t there yet.
“You’re early,” she said as she closed and locked her door.
“I wanted to make a good impression and to thank you for giving me this chance. I know I’ve fucked up more things in my life than I can count, but I’m ready to change my ways.”