Page 40 of Vegas Daddy
“I have a better picture of what I’m up against now,” he says simply. “You wouldn’t tell me who was after you, but now I know what to expect. I can plan accordingly and get you out of here.”
“What about your brothers?” I ask. “Can they be trusted?”
“I trust Heath and Knox with my life, Willow. I’ll get them on board. For now, we go about our days like we don’t know each other. We’re just a cartel princess and her bodyguard.”
“I’m not a cartel princess,” I grumble, a warning.
“Be that as it may,” Zane says as he stands up straight. “Give me a little time to do some digging. I have access to schedules and security rotations. Second time’s the charm, right?”
“I don’t think that’s the saying.”
The smile he gives me is tight, but there’s no denying the warmth behind his eyes. I can tell how much he wants to close the space between us by the way he leans slightly forward. EvenI’mhaving a tough time staying on my side of the room. If it weren’t for the damn cameras, I’d be wrapped in his arms in the blink of an eye.
“Be patient, darling.”
“Believe me, it’s not like I’m going anywhere,” I say dryly.
A soft knock at my door announces Marianne’s arrival. She’s returned with a new silver platter full of sandwiches and a small bowl of soup. She ignores Zane much like she does the rest of the guards around the compound and joins me.
“You must eat,” she says sweetly. “I snuck you a little extra.”
“Thank you,” I say. “Leave the food with me. That’ll be all, Marianne.”
Marianne gives me a mousey little nod before scurrying off.
“Would you like to eat alone?” Zane asks me.
“I thought you weren’t allowed to let me out of your sight.”
“Something tells me they’ve been breathing down your neck since the airport. I thought you might appreciate a little privacy.”
Now that I think about it, Zane has a point. I can’t remember the last time I was allowed a moment to myself. It’s not like I mind Zane’s company, but it might be nice to have a few minutes to justbe.
“Actually, that might be nice,” I mumble. “Thank you, Zane.”
He nods once before turning to head out into the hall. Before he disappears, he stops to browse through my shelf full of books. There isn’t a lot of variety, the majority of novels coming from my father’s personal collection. Arturo doesn’t like me reading new titles without his express approval.Who knows what ideas they might put in your head, he always says.
Zane plucks a hardcover off the shelf and reads the title aloud. “Love’s Labour’s Lostby Shakespeare.”
“One of my favorite plays,” I reply. “It’s the only thing there that’s even mildly entertaining.”
“Are you a big fan of English literature?”
“Yes. I mean, I was. When I was a little girl, I used to dream of becoming a playwright.”
“And now?”
I give him a sad smile. “Now I dream of the day I’ll be allowed to go for walks outside or swim laps in the pool. I know it doesn’t sound like much of a luxury, but it is…”
“Esteban told me not to let you in the pool. He said you tried to drown yourself?”
I scoff. “Everything out of that man’s mouth is a lie. Don’t ever make the mistake of believing him.”
Zane presses his lips into a thin line. I don’t like how upset he is on my behalf, but thereissomething oddly sexy seeing him brood like this. He takes a deep breath and nods just once. “Enjoy your dinner, Willow.”