Page 56 of Vegas Daddy
“Where are we going?” I ask, my voice fried and raspy. I’m surprised I’m even able to get a word out considering all the frantic screaming.
“To the other coast, ideally,” Zane mumbles. He sounds terribly tired, but he does a good job of not letting it show.
“How the fuck did we not know Arturo was coming back early?” Heath asks. “You think he did it on purpose?”
“I suspect so. We might be in big trouble.”
“How do you mean?”
“When he brought me into his office… He mentioned Darlene and Anna.”
Heath glances at his brother through the reflection of the rearview mirror. “Fuck.”
“Drop us off at the nearest gas station,” Zane says. “I’ll take Willow the rest of the way on my own.”
His brother frowns steeply. “Absolutely not.”
“We’ll move faster if it’s just the two of us. Besides, you need to get back to your wife. Move her somewhere safe. Have Knox reach out to Anna, too. We need to cover all our bases.”
“But what about the two of you? I can’t just abandon you to deal with this by yourself.”
“You have to,” Zane says sternly. “You know you do. I can take care of her from here.”
Heath is quiet for a very long time, which, considering how chatty he normally is, tells me exactly how dangerous our situation is. I can practically smell the smoke from his brain overheating. His grip on the steering wheel is knuckle white, his jaw set so tight I’m afraid he might crack a tooth.
I’m finally out, it’s true, but for how long?
And at what cost?
Once we’re well past the state line, Heath pulls the car up to the first rinky dink gas station we come across. The place looks like it’s a strong breeze away from collapsing in on itself, but at least there’s hardly anyone in sight. Heath parks the car behind the gas station building and turns in his seat. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to. A silent conversation passes between the brothers, an understanding that comes from years of living side by side. Heath gives me a sympathetic smile before exiting the vehicle.
“What do we do now?” I ask once he’s gone, nothing but the still air and the sound of distant traffic around us.
“I need to get you out of the country,” he says with a grunt. I suspect his injuries are far worse than he’s letting on. “We’ll drive this time. Your father would only stop you from catching another flight.”
“What about Joseph Marrones? Do you think… was he really my uncle?”
“You know as much as I do, darling.”
I wrack my brain for answers I don’t have. What the hell is going on? Could he have been some random lunatic who ventured too far onto the compound, or was he really my mother’s older brother?
“Maybe the whole enemy of my enemy thing has some merit,” I mutter aloud. “I need to figure out a way to reach them.”
“The Marrones Cartel? You can’t be serious.”
“And I need a translation of my mother’s will. As soon as possible.”
“It sounds like you’ve got a plan cooking.”
I chew on the inside of my cheek. “My whole life, my father has kept me locked away. It’s probably because he’s a controlling asshole without an ounce of parenting sense, but now… I don’t know. Something bigger is going on. I know it’s a huge risk, but I think the Marrones might be the key to finding the answers I need.”
“I know it’s crazy. Probably downright stupid. But that man, Joseph… I really don’t think he was lying. I’ve got this feeling in my gut and—” I wipe my eyes, the shock and adrenaline finally wearing off. A sudden wave of exhaustion floods my system, leaving every muscle, nerve, and bone too heavy and frazzled to move.
Zane cups my face in his big palms and leans forward, gently pressing his forehead to mine. “When I was in the SEALs, do you know what the first thing my commanding officer taught me?”