Page 43 of Fleeing From Sin
“Ann speaks very highly of you.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Brook countered as she lowered her mug. The warmth of the porcelain grounded her. She fought the urge to rest her thumb on her worry ring, because Martin would take that as a sign that his presence unsettled her. “Ann tolerates me, because that is what Supervisory Special Agent Harden has asked of her. She doesn’t really understand nor trust what a profiler offers to an investigation.”
“I like your honesty, Brook.”
Once again, Martin waited for her to lead him down the road to the reason of his visit. She could easily understand how he’d developed the reputation of being a narcissist. What she had a hard time reconciling was that this man could even remotely put together a cohesive profile, which he’d done repeatedly since being under the employment of the Bureau.
Brook was finally coming to the realization that Martin had nothing to add in regard to his profile. He’d used it as a ruse to meet with her directly, and she didn’t appreciate the waste of time.
It was a shame, really.
“I wish I could say the same, Mr. Sinnett.” She’d intentionally left off the title that he’d earned in the FBI academy. “Have you satisfied your curiosity?”
Brook had obviously caught him off guard. She’d caused him to believe that she would continue to remain silent, and that had originally been her plan. Once he’d taken the direct route with complimenting her honesty, she’d had a change of heart.
“Let me clear up a few things,” Brook said without once tensing the muscles in her body. “If you were hoping that I could aid you in facilitating a promotion, you are out of luck. Special Agent Houser and I have a special working relationship, and there is no room for another profiler on Jacob Walsh’s case.”
“Because you believe that you know your brother best?” Martin asked as he extended an arm to rest on the back of the couch. “We both know that family members don’t always make the best witnesses. As a sister, your memories are most likely tarnished due to a longing for a loving brother instead of a—“
“Psychopathic serial killer?” Brook lifted the corner of her lips to feign amusement. “I know exactly what Jacob Walsh is capable of, and now I know exactly how far you will go in an attempt to keep such a stellar track record. Unfortunately, once it comes to light that you missed an important factor regarding the unsub on our current case, that will be one more negative in your column.”
“I didn’t miss anything in that profile,” Martin disputed as he dropped his arm from the back of the couch. “If anyone messed up that investigation, it was Parker. He was getting close to retirement. If you discovered additional evidence that could change the profile, that’s not on me. You and I both know that we craft a profile with the details provided to us by the agent in charge of the case.”
“What I know is that you want the supervisory position within the BAU, and you thought meeting with me might just be your ticket to the position that you think you deserve.” Brook slowly uncrossed her legs and stood without any more preamble. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you, Mr. Sinnett. I don’t believe that we need to discuss the current investigation that S&E Investigations has agreed to consult on with the FBI, so you can see yourself out. With the information that we’ve uncovered over the past two days, we’ve developed new avenues to explore. Have a nice day.”
Martin Sinnett was no longer the arrogant son of a bitch who’d walked into her offices as if he was better at his job because he’d gone through the academy and earned his title. She’d earned hers, as well, only she’d taken a different path to get there.
Brook spotted Theo using the biometric scanner before reaching for the door handle. He hadn’t even stepped onto the marble tile before reading the situation in front of him. He slowed his steps as Martin stood from the couch and picked up his leather bag.
“Your reputation proceeds you, Brook. It’s why I’m leaving my offer on the table. You and I could brainstorm, and the end result could be a win-win for both of us.” Martin still remained near the coffee table, but Brook had already made her way behind her desk. “We’re both good at what we do.”
“You might be good at what you do, but Brook is excellent.” Theo waited just outside the doorway of her office, but his words had carried over the threshold clearly. “Her closure rate at the Bureau speaks for itself, Sinnett. And that’s a record that you’ll never come close to beating during your tenure with the FBI. I take it that this meeting is over?”
Silence fell over the room like a wet blanket.
Brook remained standing, and she never once broke eye contact with Martin. He’d expected a different outcome, which meant that he wasn’t cut out for whatever promotion might be up for grabs. He’d assumed speaking with Ann was enough to get a read on Brook, but that just proved that he wasn’t good enough to separate himself from the pack.
“Yeah, the meeting is over,” Martin muttered in what could only be taken as contempt. “Call me when you change your mind, Brook.”
Theo and Brook both monitored the man’s departure.
It wasn’t until he entered an elevator and disappeared from view that she sat down in her chair. She slowly released the air in her lungs.
“I would have been here sooner, but a delivery truck stalled and was blocking the entrance to the parking garage.” Theo had walked across her office and taken a seat in one of the guest chairs. He tilted his head as he studied her. “You okay?”
“I don’t like to be blindsided, and that encounter left me with a mark.”
“What offer is he leaving on the table?” Theo asked as he crossed his ankle over his knee. He was still wearing his winter jacket sans gloves. “You have more contacts in the Bureau than I do, but I can make some calls if you need me to.”
“I figured out quickly that Sinnett wants in on Jacob’s case. He thinks if he can locate a serial killer who has been able to evade capture for decades that it will catapult him to the top of the promotion list.” It was too bad that the space heater behind her was on the highest setting, because she couldn’t seem to get warm. “I’ll give Agent Houser a call to warn him. For the amount of work that man has put into the case, he deserves the win if the investigation ever comes to fruition.”
Brook didn’t need to explain to Theo why Jacob’s case would still require a profiler. Even when the identity of an unsub was known, a profiler could put together enough information regarding the unsub’s habits and tendencies to guide the field agent to the whereabouts of said unsub.
Patterns played a huge part in a profile.
The current profiler on Jacob’s case held the position that Sinnett was most likely in line for, and if the man was ever given such a promotion, he wouldn’t need anyone’s permission to take it under his wing.
“I’m staying in for the rest of the day,” Brook replied, changing the subject. The meeting with Sinnett had left a bad taste in her mouth. He’d wasted her time for a personal motive. “I should have a full profile constructed on our unsub by tomorrow morning.”