Page 46 of Fleeing From Sin
Brook just hoped that they were able to close out the investigation before another victim was abducted in broad daylight.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Brooklyn Sloane
February 2023
Thursday — 7:37am
“I’msorrythatImissed your call yesterday, Ms. Elliott.” Brook had waited until she’d downed the large caramel macchiato that she’d picked up at the café. The coffee shop had been back in business as if nothing had happened on Monday morning, and the press had already moved onto other gripping public interest stories. “Graham mentioned that you are hosting a grand opening of an art studio in Kelsey’s honor at George Washington University.”
“Yes, and I was hoping to meet with you beforehand,” Elizabeth said in a tone much like the one that Brook envisioned her having upon hearing Graham’s description of his mother. The Elliotts came from money. Most of their ancestors had served their country, given back to those in need, and did their best to fund foundations formed for veterans. “Would you be able to join me for lunch today?”
Sarah Evanston’s face flashed through Brook’s mind, and she wanted to immediately deny the older woman her invitation. Jacob was hovering, and he’d proven time and again that he could leave his mark without breaking a sweat.
It simply wasn’t wise to blatantly put Elizabeth Elliott on public display.
“I’m currently involved in an active investigation, and I’m sorry to say that I won’t have time to take a long lunch,” Brook replied without a hint of regret. If she was to continue on the path of having a personal relationship with Graham, there would have to be some ground rules. Neither one of them had gone over those particular guidelines, but she would see to it that they were discussed soon. “Would it be possible for you to stop by the office?”
“That would be perfect,” Elizabeth stated with complete satisfaction. “I’ve asked Graham several times to give me a tour, but our schedules never seem to be in sync. Would one o’clock be good for you?”
Brook ended the call by agreeing on the terms, content with how the conversation had gone. She hadn’t picked up any type of animosity or resentment in the woman’s tone. Maybe the intent of the meetingwasregarding the ceremony itself.
“Yes?” Brook glanced over toward the doorway to find Sylvie entering the office with an electronic tablet in her hand. “Bit drove directly from his apartment to the nursing facility. He is set up to monitor the comings and goings throughout the day. He also has a list of visitors from yesterday that he has been running through some of his programs. He’ll let us know if anything stands out. In the meantime, look at this.”
Brook leaned forward to take the tablet from Sylvie, not immediately recognizing the man in the photograph. The picture was maybe fifteen years old, give or take. Brook had reached that conclusion from the porch furniture. It didn’t take her long to zero in on what had caught Sylvie’s interest.
“This man…was he Grace Willow’s neighbor?” Brook asked even though she was certain about her supposition. “He’s holding a mug quite similar to the one described by Beau Willow.”
“Exactly, but I have that meeting with Tiffany Fields. Like I said, Bit is monitoring the nursing facility. Theo wants to speak with Simon. I mean, Edgar Lynne. Is there any way that you can reach out to Beau Willow for confirmation?”
There were a lot of moving parts in the investigation, but Brook didn’t have a problem with going out into the field and being back in the office before one o’clock.
“That’s fine. I’ll pay a visit to the victim’s husband.” Brook handed Sylvie back her tablet. There was no need to ask if she’d uploaded the photo to the software program that they all shared. “Kate is setting up the video conference for Bit so that he can join our morning debriefing. We might as well start now.”
“Last I checked, Theo was in the kitchen talking to the espresso machine.” Sylvie quipped as she headed toward the doorway. “I’ll go make sure that he’s still standing.”
Brook had just pushed back her chair when her cell phone rang, and she recognized the number. The digits displayed were for the front desk of her condo building.
“Ms. Sloane? It’s Charlie McPherson.”
“Hi, Charlie,” Brook replied guardedly. It was very rare that anyone from the building contacted her. The last time anyone had reached out to her was after Jacob had somehow worked his way into the condo next to hers and brutally murdered Mrs. Upton. The owner had almost cancelled her lease, but he’d changed his mind once she’d threatened to sue him. She wouldn’t have gone through with it, but she wouldn’t deny feeling somewhat better after her outburst. “Is everything okay?”
“You received a package, and the note taped to the front asked that you be notified immediately,” Charlie explained. “I know that you’re probably at work, so I can just tuck it behind the front desk for you to pick up when you arrive home this evening.”
“Who dropped it off?” Brook asked cautiously, twirling her ring. “A courier service?”
“No, I don’t think so. The man wasn’t wearing a uniform or anything. Oh, he had an English accent. Does that help?”
Brook wasn’t sure what could possibly have been delivered for her. She hadn’t ordered anything lately, and it wasn’t like she had any close friends that didn’t consist of the team members that she surrounded herself with five days a week.
If Jacobhadsent her something, would he have taken the chance to deliver it personally? It was doubtful, but she wouldn’t put anything past him.
“I appreciate the call, Charlie. I should be there in an hour.”