Page 2 of Uncovering Voodoo
Carter’s attention never left hers. She began to feel uncomfortable with his intense stare. Gwen hadn’t been the only one to notice his attentiveness. His new partner, Vanessa Fulbright, cleared her throat and continued with Gwen’s two-hour interrogation.
After everyone had left the room, Gwen let her head rest on the conference table. Her supervisor asked to see her, no doubt to offer her the full-time position she’d expected. How was Gwen going to explain why she wasn’t interested? Over the course of her six months at Quantico, she’d realized she didn’t like having to prove herself time and time again. She wasn’t comfortable being in the spotlight. She preferred the quietness of the lab, where only her test tubes talked to her, okay, not literally, but they told a story... a story that she would be expected to present. If only she could conduct the testing and let Daisy talk to the operatives. But Daisy had dropped out of college and was working from home. She’d been tight-lipped about her employer, but promised it was legit. Her secrecy was troubling since Daisy flourished when she received attention.
Gwen hadn’t heard the conference room door open and was caught off guard by the hand that rested on her shoulder. This became obvious when she shrieked.
“Sorry, I thought you heard me enter the room,” the low baritone voice said.
“Agent Hughes, sorry, I didn’t...”
“Carter. Please call me Carter.”
“Okay, Carter,” she answered and tucked the stray hair behind her ear.
“I wanted to see how you were doing. I know we ran you through the courses, but it’s imperative that we can trust your findings. I watched as my partner, Bobby Johnston, gasped for air. I was helpless, and that’s not a feeling I ever want to feel again.”
Without asking her permission, Carter took the seat next to hers.
“I understand. I’m just not comfortable being the center of attention.”
“That’s hard to believe. I’d think you’d be used to it by now. I mean, you must know how stunningly beautiful you are.”
Gwen dropped her head back down to the table. She couldn’t look Carter in the eyes. They were too observant. It wouldn’t take long for her to reveal all her secrets with his intense focus leveled on her.
“Do I make you nervous, Gwen?”
“Yes,” she mumbled, still with her head resting on the table.
“So nervous you can’t look at me?”
“Yes,” she mumbled once more.
Carter chuckled. “Well, I’ve never had this reaction from a woman. So, how can I help you relax? Would a drink help?”
Only about a dozen, she thought. Instead, she giggled.
Giggled. I just giggled to a CIA spy... Kill me now.
“I’m going to take that as a yes. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
“I can’t. I have a meeting with my boss,” Gwen said after she finally lifted her head.
“I’m thinking you’ll sneak out of the building instead of meeting me. But I’m not going to pressure you. I’ll be at Willie’s down the street if you want to join me.”
Gwen smiled because he was right. She would’ve done anything to avoid being the center of his attention, but Daisy would smack her silly if she didn’t agree to drinks with the hottie.
“I won’t,” she swore. “When do you want to meet?”
Once they’d made their arrangements, Gwen gave her superior her apologies, but declined their offer. She agreed to be available for special projects, but preferred to remain in the background. To say the department head was unhappy would’ve been an understatement. Short of threatening her, he’d reminded her what a great offer it was, one not likely to be received in the private sector. She was young and didn’t have a lot of experience. He also pointed out how the CIA would give her experience that she couldn’t gain from any other employer. Gwen knew he was probably right, but the CIA had wanted her, despite her age and short employment history. She needed to find a happy middle ground; a job that fit her.
* * *
“Hey,how did it go? Did you vomit on those spooks?” Daisy asked the minute Gwen’s call connected.
“It went okay. I had a hard time getting started, but by the end, I felt better. But I’m calling for something else.”
“I met a guy.”