Page 55 of Uncovering GigaByte
First, it was Aaron. He’d known her before her walls were completely put up. He had seen enough of her to see that despite her desire, she cared about people. She had cared about Chloe.
Then there were Ghost, Ivy, and Voodoo. They’d become her people, her tribe. They used their skills and resources for good. Byte found a way to use her talents to help people on a larger scale than Karma. ALIAS’ mission was to protect the innocent and stop human trafficking one ring leader at a time.
Over the years, she’d met people who influenced her life for the good. Ivy’s father, Steve Ellison, was one of them. For the first time ever, Byte could see that she had friends, real friends, who had her back. She had people who cared—not for what she could give them—but because they liked her… No, they loved her.
Perhaps that was why Hunter’s opinion of her hurt so badly. She was no longer the thief who looked for monetary security. She was someone who fought for justice, whether for those in foster care or those lost to human trafficking. To do so, she reallocated and redefined the playground. She used a pervert’s own financial resources against them. It was justifiable in her mind and her friends seemed to agree, with a few exceptions. No, she didn’t need Hunter to approve of what she did. She didn’t even know the man, and the fact that she had an internal debate about him proved she was allocating too much headspace for someone she’d never see again.
It was time she finished what she’d started. She needed to decide to either help clear her mother’s name or bury her deeper. Her only reservation was Darla. What would happen if Darla was left all alone? Would Byte be condemning her to a life in foster care? What about her father? Was he a good person, someone who would care for his daughter if her mother was out of the picture?
She didn’t know, which was why she needed to do more research. She needed to look ahead and not impulsively act. She needed someone who could help sort through this, walk her through the pros and cons. She needed a planner.
Dang it! She needed Ghost’s help. But if Ghost got involved, so would Ivy, and ultimately so would ALIAS. Perhaps it was time to open up, lower her guards completely, and merge both sides of her life together.
ALIAS meet Karma. Karma meet ALIAS.
Pulling out her cell phone, she sent a group text.
I need your help. Can we meet in an hour?
Before she could send her second text, she’d already received responses from Ghost, Ivy, and Faulkner. By the time she’d sent Aaron the same text, Seven, Aria, Voodoo, and Carter had confirmed they’d be there.
Forty-five minutes later, she gathered her mother’s dossier, then closed her apartment door and made her way to the office.
Here goes nothing!
* * *
“Any idea what this is about?”Ghost asked Ivy after receiving the cryptic message from Byte.
“I think it has something to do with her time in foster care, but I’m not sure. What I do know is that after Fulbright’s death, Byte has been even more reserved and quiet. I’ve tried to talk to her, but she said she wasn’t ready. Maybe she is now.”
“I hope so. It’s the first time she’s ever asked for help. It’s way overdue.”
The couple entered the war room, and Ivy knew her assumptions were correct when she saw Byte’s friend, Aaron, sitting at the table beside Byte.
“This can’t be good,” Ivy said under her breath.
Byte was rallying her people for a joint mission.
“It’s Byte,” Ghost replied. “Always expect the unexpected.”
Ghost walked over and introduced himself to Aaron and agreed with Ivy… This couldn’t be good if Byte was bringing in civilians.
Minutes later, when everyone had arrived, Byte looked around and made a decision.
“I need help saving my mother.”
“Okay,” Ghost dragged out after hearing Byte’s reason for the meeting. “We’re going to need more information.”
Byte stood and handed everyone a copy of her mother’s file. She also brought the file up on the screen, along with pictures of her mother and stepsister.