Page 64 of Uncovering GigaByte
She knew all of those described the way she felt after the call.
Black, boring socks,she reminded herself.
“They go with everything,” she mumbled.
* * *
“Holy smokes.What have I gotten myself into?” Hunter asked.
Nothing good, he thought.
“It’s the only way I know for sure I can protect my brother.”
And it’s the only way you can see Byte again, his conscience reminded him.
Waiting for the email from Byte, he looked once more at the book he was narrating. He wondered what Sebastian would’ve done. The mafia alpha in the story wouldn’t have asked for her help… he would’ve demanded it. He wouldn’t have folded at her demands. Instead, he would’ve taken what he wanted, including her body, without any regrets.
If only you were some fictional character in a romance novel.
Only he wasn’t, and when Byte’s email came in with his encrypted email link, he wondered what she was thinking when she opened an account as [email protected]
Are black socks the same as black hats?
The team had reconvened later that day for updates. Byte still couldn’t believe Hunter’s call, or the fact that she’d asked him out… For work, of course.
If that’s true, what event are you going to?
Grrr. Why had she painted herself into a corner?
“So, here’s what we’ve found,” Ghost started the meeting, forcing Byte to shake off the thoughts running through her head. “According to my ATF contact, Rosemary’s partner has never believed the allegations against her. In fact, her partner said he’d stake his career on it.”
“Who’s the partner?”
“Damon Winters. He’s been with the Feds for twelve years. He was Rosemary’s handler when she was with Byte’s father.”
“So it was a job?” Aria asked.
“Yes. I don’t believe she expected to have a child with the target,” Ghost replied, then looked over at Byte. “Sorry.”
“What for? It was her job.” Byte didn’t question the bureau’s assignment. Both Ivy and Aria had similar assignments, and she didn’t think less of them.
“Are they looking for her?” Carter asked.
“Not actively. However, they believe her partner is. Three-quarters of the team believes she’s clean.”
“Are we going to hand over the proof necessary to clear her name?” Aria asked.
“Sure. I can gather everything and give it to you. What about the street gang after her?”
“That’s a little trickier,” Ivy stated. “They don’t care about proof. This group are young and hungry, and lack the patience like an organized MC. They’ve already put a hit on her. Even if we could prove she hadn’t taken their money, the fact that she’s an agent would be enough to warrant her death.”
“But you’re going to take care of them?” Falcon asked.
“We are. This will be your first mission with me. I’ll need you, Voodoo, and Aria for this assignment.”