Page 71 of Uncovering GigaByte
“Everyone regroup. We need an after-action report.”
“Of course you do,” Ivy replied. “We have to meet with the gang’s leader. We can be there in an hour.”
“No problem. We’ll regroup when your team is back,” Ghost said.
“Oh, and the black site on tenth street is burned. Literally,” Ivy said, remembering the explosion they’d seen a mile away from the site.
“Sounds like Byte will have something to do after all,” Ghost suggested. “Talk soon.”
An hour later Byte sat in the room and listened as the team discussed their various assignments.
Ghost had chosen to not disclose that Rosemary was Byte’s stepmother. He felt it was better if she had that conversation herself. Instead, he gave the team the basics.
“The SA was a prick. He took no accountability for Byte ending up in foster care,” Carter stated. “He was a real piece of work… reminding me how glad I am to have left the CIA.”
“Are they going to clear her name?” Aria asked. She felt invested in Rosemary’s situation since it so closely resembled her own with the FBI.
“Seventy-five percent already believe she’s innocent. It won’t take much to sway the remaining twenty-five. The intel we gave him should clear her immediately of any wrongdoing. It will be up to Rosemary to choose to return to the agency or walk away,” Ghost answered.
“What happened on your end?” Seven asked Ivy. He’d already confirmed Rosemary and her daughter had arrived at the safe house. Byte had agreed to watch the cameras for any signs of trouble.
“The gang-bangers has been eliminated,” Ivy stated.
“It really wasn’t too difficult,” Aria stated.
“Not after Voodoo worked her magic,” Falcon stated. He was still surprised by how effective Voodoo had been with her toxins. The minute she dressed in her personal protection equipment, or PPE, he knew he was going to be watching pure magic.
“It was just carbon dioxide. I wanted their deaths to appear natural,” Voodoo stated.
“It was still brilliant… and deadly,” Falcon admitted.
“So let’s look at the status. We have given ATF the files to exonerate Rosemary, who is currently in one of our safe houses, along with her daughter. The gang threat has been eliminated. So what’s next?” Ghost asked.
“I guess I go talk to my mother,” Byte said without any excitement or anticipation.
“Do you want someone to go with you?” Voodoo asked.
“I have a job I’m working on for Karma. I’ll talk to her Sunday if she’s still around. If not, as long as Darla is safe, then I’m okay.”
Ghost and Ivy’s eyes met, both agreeing that Byte needed to visit her mother. It was their job to make sure she did.
“Alright, then. Want to tell us about your job?” Ivy asked.
“I will later. Right now, I need to go change. I have a side hustle I’m working on,” Byte said, picking up her laptop and heading toward the door.
“Byte,” Ghost called out.
“Yeah,” Byte answered without turning around. She didn’t want to see their pity. She’d seen enough of that over the past few weeks.
“We’ve got your back, regardless if it’s Karma’s business or ALIAS’.”
“I know. I’ll talk to y’all later.”
Byte exited the door and practically ran up the stairs. She needed to get dressed, both physically and mentally, for her night with Hunter.
After a quick shower and shave, she looked inside her closet, trying to figure out what to wear. Byte would wear leather pants, a fitted tank, and a devil may care attitude. Danielle, which is who she’d expect him to find attractive, would wear nondescript jeans, a Henley-style pullover, and ballerina flats. Who was she going to be? The person she was or the one he’d want to see a second time.