Page 77 of Uncovering GigaByte
“Not likely.”
“I’m going to run upstairs and get some options. Is that your dress?”
“Yes. It’s the only red thing in my closet.”
“Okay, Miss Snarkypants. Put it on. I’ll be back in five.”
“Put it on? Why? The gala isn’t until six.”
“We’re going to help you get ready,” Ivy said as she left the bedroom.
“But it’s only eleven in the morning,” Byte said to deaf ears.
Byte didn’t own formal wear. She only had a couple of dresses, and they were very casual, so she did what she did best… research. She needed to know if there was a particular style that would flatter her five-foot-nothing slim figure. According to the fashion sources she’d found, a high-low dress or asymmetrical hemline wouldn’t overwhelm her frame and would emphasize her legs. It also suggested to wear slim-fitting dresses with V-necklines. That was how she’d found the dress she was currently struggling to get into.
Her grunts must have been pretty loud because Voodoo stepped in and helped put her head in the appropriate hole.
“I hate dresses,” Byte said after the gown covered her body.
“Lord, no way can you hate this one,” Voodoo said and whistled.
The catcalls brought Aria into the room, where she ooh’d and aah’d over the gown and how grown-up Byte looked.
But no one was as vocal as Ivy was when she entered the room.
“Big bag of balls, you look beautiful. Please tell me you’ll let us help with your makeup and hair. Wait! Are you going to this alone? I’m sure Justin would escort you.”
“Or I can ask Seven.”
Voodoo laughed. “I would ask Carter but I’m afraid you’d empty our bank account if he ticked you off.”
“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” Aria replied.
“Guys!” Byte practically yelled over the talk. “I have a date.”
“Who?” All three asked at the same time.
“Does it matter?”
“Yes. Is it Aaron?” Ivy asked.
“Um, maybe one of your hacker friends,” Aria guessed.
“You could say that.” Byte giggled, remembering how Hunter wanted to be a temporary hacker.
“Please don’t tell me it’s that kid,” Voodoo said.
“No. Why would I take a thirteen-year-old to a political gala?”
“Just asking. So who’s the lucky guy?” Voodoo pushed.
“Let me try on the shoes so I can get out of this dress and I’ll tell you.”
The girls all weighed in on which shoes went best with the high-low gown. After taking off the dress and leaving the shoes on for practice, she told the girls about her pseudo-date the night before and him agreeing to be her escort.
“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Aria said.