Page 82 of Uncovering GigaByte
Hunter chuckled. He’d have to remember how strong and independent she was.
“Because I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“But why? Because we kissed?” Byte asked in confusion.
“No, however, I wouldn’t mind doing it again, but it’s because I want to make sure you’re going to be okay.”
“I will be.”
“Sometimes we need a shoulder to lean on, despite how strong we are. You know, the whole two heads are better than one.”
“I don’t think that’s true. You just get one too many suggestions. How are two better?”
Hunter chortled before answering her. “I mean, sometimes it’s easier to share a problem than take it all on by yourself. Kind of like your team.”
“And you want to be part of my team?”
“Sure, I do. But I’m talking about a team outside of ALIAS or your company. This one would be personal, not business.”
“I don’t do things that aren’t for business.”
“I think it’s more like you’ve never done it before, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. But we can talk about this more on our third date.”
“I thought today was our first, even if not real.”
“Byte. Our first date was yesterday. I fed you, kissed you, and asked to see you again. Then tonight was a real date. And when you’re available, it will be our third real date.”
“You seem kinda pushy,” Byte mumbled against his shirt.
“You have no idea. Now, kiss me goodnight, and call me tomorrow when you get home from seeing your mother.”
“Bossy, too,” Byte said, but did as he instructed. She lifted her face and never diverted her eyes when he lowered his head to touch her lips. Like the other time, it was sweet, not aggressive. In most of her life, she was a take life by the horns kind of girl, but when it came to personal relationships, she was skittish. Hunter seemed to understand that.
When their kiss broke off, she once again rested her head against his chest. She could hear his heart rapidly beating. She had to ask him something and didn’t want to look into his eyes because she feared the answer.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Byte asked.
“If I did, I wouldn’t have kissed you,” Hunter replied, pulling Byte tighter against him.
“You don’t think we’re too different to be like this?”
“I think our differences will make us more enlightened, because we’ll have to take into consideration what makes us unique.”
“My commitment is to ALIAS and I don’t see that changing. I had to learn to stand by myself. I had to prove that I didn’t need someone to love me to make me strong.”
“That’s what I like most about you. You are a strong, independent, beautiful woman. It will take some time for me to truly understand what you do and why, but tonight helped.”
“You are using your powers for good. You’re going after those most of us never know about. You dig for the truth, no matter how ugly it may be.”
“It’s because I don’t want to be like my parents. They gave up—tossed me aside—when it became too difficult. I don’t ever give up… Never. Are you sure you can handle that?”
Hunter paused before lifting her chin up to see him, letting her really see him.