Page 52 of Just One Kiss
Joe shook his head. “You’s all heroes, then, ain’t ya?”
“The ones that made it back alive are survivors, Joe. That’s all…”
Lee looked about. “Where are the kids?”
“Hattie, she got them working, pulling the vegetables out of the garden…why?”
“I miss them…” Lee sighed.
“I imagine they’ll be in directly. They were all wantin’ to come in, but Miss Hattie put them to work until you was feelin’ like company.” Joe smiled.
“Well, you tell her I could use a little. I ain’t gonna sit here and talk war stories to you all day. You got those taxes paid, didn’t ya?”
“I got ‘em. The banker was glad too.” Joe smiled.
“Good, now let’s see what happens. If this isn’t enough to stop them, then I’ve got one other angle I’m workin’ on.” Lee sighed and drifted down into the covers. “I think I’ll take a little nap, Joe.”
Joe started to leave and Lee peeked his head out of the covers. “Thanks, Joe…I owe you…”
“You don’t owe me a thing…” Joe shook his head and left. “Naw sir, you don’t owe me a thing.”
Chapter Eleven
“Sam, is that you?” Lee hollered from his bed.
“Yes sir.” Sam trudged into the room and glanced about. He stood there looking at Lee with a hooded glance, wearing a pair of overalls and a straw hat. He was dirty from working in the fields.
“Good to see ya. I was beginning to think no one would ever come in the house. Where is everyone?” Lee asked.
“They’s in the fields workin’,” Sam said as he came into the middle of the room. “You need somethin’?” he asked.
“No…well, yes, I need my clothes, Sam. Where might they be?” Lee asked anxiously.
“Hattie washed ‘em. They’s on the line, I expect,” Sam said, looking at him strangely.
“Oh…I wondered where they got off to. Is there any way you could go get them and bring them to me…?” he asked.
“I cain’t do that…” Sam began twisting about nervously.
“Well…why not?” Lee asked, confused by his actions and words.
“‘Cause Hattie told me not to. She said you’d be up before you should be and wanting to help. But you ain’t that good with the cane Joe whittled for you, yet. You’re healing, but you ain’t ready to work in the fields yet. Joe and Hattie told me to leave you be, that you needed your rest and leave you alone. I ain’t even supposed to be in here.” Sam began to edge toward the door.
“For goodness sake, Sam. I’m fine. I been in this bed for four weeks now. I wouldn’t be getting up if I weren’t. I need to be out there with you and working. I need to use this leg before I forget how to. A man can’t lay in bed forever.” Lee frowned. “Would you please get my clothes for me?”
“I guess I could sneak them in off the line for you. You sure you are alright?”
“Of course I am,” Lee scoffed. “And I need you to do me a favor.”
“A favor?” Sam came closer. “Yes sir.”
“I want you to go to the telegraph office in town and deliver a message for me. I’ll give you the money.”
“What for?” Sam asked, his face looking amused.
“Just something I’m trying to work out. That’s all.”
“You get that off for me today, and it won’t be long before our troubles will be over…” Lee explained.