Page 22 of Ask No Tomorrows
Sam shucked his inhibitions, this was as good as any a distraction, he decided and maybe a little better than he planned.
He reached to pull her arms away, but instead his hands rested there, but he did manage to pull away just a tad. He stared through the darkness at her, waiting so his eyes adjusted to the darkness and her. He wanted to tell her there would be no more of that. But it never happened. Instead, gradually his fingers slid slowly to touch her soft cheeks, stoking her into a calm, as though he’d never touched a girl there. Her skin was soft to the touch, as her head bent to cuddle against his fingers. He hadn’t expected her to react like that. For a second she seemed to draw breath, waiting to see if he would let the moment continue. Or scold her for her actions. But the touch of her cheek, and the way her head moved so that she could kiss his fingertips, had him seeking her this time. “Right now, we aren’t no color, girl. We’re just two people, scared out of our minds, and I think we’re about to meet our maker. And we need each other…” Sam said somewhere near her lips, his warm breath caressing her. “We shore do…”
There were no right words for the moment, no permissions asked. Her breath was sweet and warm against his cheek as she gasped several times, when he bent his head to touch her lips with his own once more. This time he took possession, a sweet, longing possession that surprised them both.
Protecting Riley was the sweetest pleasure of his life and he couldn’t stop the kisses any more than he could stop breathing.
He gently pulled away just enough to gasp for air, then again he kissed her, this time letting go of all inhibitions, pulling her closer, tasting the salt on her lips, and using his tongue to gently open them.
This shouldn’t be happening, his mind seemed bent on destroying the sweet torture. But he couldn’t quite let her go, couldn’t turn loose of the sweet taste of her mouth on his.
He felt the quick thud of her heart, felt the heat rise between them and pulled her solidly against him, groaning from how eager her young body was to fuse with his.
For an instant Sam resisted, pulling away, as though weighing the decision to continue, but the innocent exploration of her mouth had him hunting for her lips in the darkness, seeking them, probing them, caressing them with his own. God Himself knew he couldn’t fight this temptation. Her lips seemed to melt into his, when at last he found them and swept his lips over hers in an unhurried fashion. As though there was no storm. He was teasing her, but instead he found he teased himself for the friction between them was thick as molasses, and the silent hunger to devour her lips with his own outweighed his intentions. Just touching them ignited a flame within him he could barely control, didn’t want to control. But when she opened to him and let him in, the world around them disappeared. No longer did the tornado threaten them for they were lost in feelings now. The storm disappeared; it was only the two of them and their feelings.
Only feelings, sweet scents, and tasting heaven mattered.
The kiss seemed to go on forever, as the tornado outside whirled above them, taking with it the storm door and everything above them. She wrapped her legs around him and hung on. He held her close, and continued his wild exploration of her sweet lips.
“Don’t let me go Sam, don’t let me go…” she whispered somewhere near his ear.
“I got you…I sure do…don’t be scared now. Don’t listen, don’t think about anything but me kissin’ you, you hear me…?”
“Y-yes, Sam…” she shivered as his lips touched hers once more and this time he held her as the ripping sound above them pulled the door loose, and bit by bit away. The roar of the tornado was above them now, and Sam held her as though their lives depended on that hold. Her hair blew upward, her clothes, but she obviously lost herself to his kiss, as she relaxed in his arms and swooned from his kisses.
He tasted the peaches on her lips, the sweet reminder on her tongue and he lost himself to the moment as she moaned into his throat and her hands tightened around his neck. Enfolding her in his arms, he held her roughly so she couldn’t be pulled into the vortex of the storm, but instead she pressed ever closer, seeming to lose herself in his kisses, fusing herself to him. She clutched him tighter and moved to mold herself against him. He held her there, in a tight, intimate embrace for long dizzying seconds as their lips mated and the storm began to pass.
Mating, that was the word that described it best, as their kisses became a silent rapture. But he wanted to be gentle with her as he knew she was inexperienced even though the kiss seemed to send fire through his veins. The storm outside couldn’t compare to the storm raging in Sam. The need for a woman swamped him like a warm embrace, but the sanity of the moment escaped him. Gone were the worries that she was white and he was black, replaced by the need to be one, only one. Their lips needed no coaching or instruction as they mixed breaths and sought the sweet nectar.
The wind sucked and pulled at them, but Sam braced himself and held her tight.
They smothered the wicked storm with the sweetness of unbridled passion. He just kept kissing her, tasting her, drowning in her.
Sam was careful not to touch her except where his arms wrapped about her, but the thoughts of touching seeped inside his head when she jumped forcing her young body against his, when a loud crash overhead sounded. His hands wrapped around her and under her high young breast, as his thumb slipped up to encircle the taut peaks. It wasn’t deliberate, but natural as breathing. She moaned softly into his mouth. He cradled her in his arms, protecting, loving, dreaming. She sighed loudly. The need of touching urged his body to respond quite naturally to hers.
Their tongues danced slowly, tasting, devouring, mating.
Sam realized with clarity that she was only the second girl he’d ever kissed and none so thoroughly. His mind warred with his body. On one hand Riley was ripe for the pickings, but on the other, she was innocent as a new born babe too. He caressed her mouth like a newly budded flower, kissing, nipping, tasting once more and mating, always mating.
His thumbs memorized the sweet swell of her small breast.
When he heard himself moan, he moved his thumbs away. Trying to bring sanity to the moment, but unwilling to release her totally, he crushed her against him.
He’d think on the reasons he shouldn’t later. Right now, sensations swamped him as she pressed herself against him. He felt the instant swell of her young breasts against his chest and he sighed that he could feel them without even touching her there. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment. But because he had to hold her so tight, he felt everything as though magnified. As though her body imprinted against his own. He realized his own manhood sprang up and against her so she had to have noticed. But the need to taste her deeper and deeper grew within him. He heard himself growl at his own impatience.
When they finally backed away for a moment, they were both panting and their eyes were sparkling with such joy. He could see the shine in her eyes through the darkness. He realized with clarity he’d just touched a piece of heaven. And he wanted to go on touching it forever. He pulled her up against him once more and kissed her nose, her eyes, her cheeks and then back to her waiting lips very slowly, like a fine whiskey. His hands went under her arms to haul her up hard against him. He wanted her to know how badly he wanted her.
She didn’t back away or even act as though she wanted to. She answered him with kisses, and when he began to pull away, she kissed his eyes, his nose, and his cheeks and back to his waiting lips.
It was insanity; it was heaven.
And having anything personally to do with her was asking for more trouble than either of them could imagine. He’d seen that much with his own sister and brother-in-law. But the love his sister and brother-in-law shared was richer and more powerful than anything, he’d learned quickly, and something deep within Sam wanted the same thing. That powerful pull of love had impressed him growing up and he knew he wanted the same. And right now, he was on the verge of finding it, and he knew that too.
Still, he had to end it, somehow. He never dreamed it would be such sweet torture to let her go. In that moment he began to understand the love between Hattie and Lee. At this moment he knew he’d stand beside Riley through anything, he’d never leave her and he’d always protect her. He’d marked her as his own, and there would be no walking away from her now, even if she wanted it. Although, he could never tell her. He was certain of it. And yet, for her own good, he needed to walk away from her, now!
The tornado swept away and the kiss ended with silent regret.
Silence sliced the air, stillness replaced passion and turmoil.