Page 33 of Ask No Tomorrows
“You’re a good cook,” Riley offered.
“Comes natural.”
Sam smiled.
After the dishes were done, Sam whipped out a harmonica and played a lively tune on it, and then tapping it, he looked at Mavis. “Well, reckon we should try to get a good night’s sleep.”
“Night, Sam,” Mavis called as she strolled away, her hips swaying suggestively. Sam shook his head, she was a temptation.
“Night,” Sam called, watching the sway of her hips and ignoring the urges within him.
Riley stared at him as she turned around and shook her head.
“What a pushover you are,” she barked as she took one of the blankets.
“What do you mean?” Sam protested.
“You know what I mean, Sam. Don’t play dumb. She’s after you, and you know it,” Riley accused as she made her pallet under the wagon, remembering to keep her voice down so the others wouldn’t hear. Nodog again chose Riley to sleep next to and Sam noted the traitor with a frown.
“She’s a remarkable woman.” Sam cleared his throat. “I like Mavis…a lot.”
“Oh really, how so?” Riley snapped.
“She knows how to act like a woman for one thing.” Sam smiled at Riley and made his pallet away from her. “And you were right, she’s a dandy cook.”
“Ain’t hard to twist your hips, Sam,” Riley barked. “But she sure can cook, that’s no lie.”
“Haven’t seen you do it…” Sam chuckled softly.
“Do what?” Riley barked, trying to find a comfortable spot.
“Swing your hips.”
“I am not on a man hunt. Besides, I’m a boy, remember? Oh…go to sleep,” Riley fussed as she climbed onto her pallet and covered up.
Again, Sam chuckled.
All they heard were the crickets and grasshoppers buzzing about the night, lulling them into sleep.
The next morning they woke to Mavis’ cooking and she made sure Sam had extra helpings of bacon and eggs. Sam sipped his coffee while Riley went off to the creek, obviously disgusted with Mavis’ attempts at flirting.
“You’re a fine cook, Mavis,” Sam offered as he handed her the plate. Their hands grazed each other and Mavis looked up at Sam with a tempting smile. “I’m good at a lot of things, Sam.”
Mavis scraped the leftovers into a heap on the ground, and then sent Tate to the creek to fetch some water.
She watched the kids go off and when satisfied they were out of earshot she turned a big smile on Sam. “I’ve a family to cook for. Have to be.” She chuckled. “But I’m glad you enjoyed it. A woman likes to be appreciated, Sam. In every way. Any time you feel like kissin’ me or feelin’ me up a little, you go right ahead; kids won’t mind.”
“How do you know?” Sam asked.
Mavis flashed her eyes at him and smiled. “I asked them.”
Sam nodded. “Thanks for the open invitation. I’m sure you’ve had your hands full with all the kids and a husband.”
“My husband didn’t appreciate me very much. Not enough for havin’ all the kids we did. He just wanted kids to help him with the chores about the place. Seems like I couldn’t have them fast enough for him. I was pregnant every winter. I was good at havin’ kids too. One doctor told me I was built for it. But we lost three of them to consumption.”
“I’m sorry for that, Mavis. I guess you’ve seen sorrows. Well, we better get on our way as soon as we can.”