Page 49 of Ask No Tomorrows
She tipped her head toward him, he bent and kissed her again, this time lingering and she smiled. “Let’s say we put it on your account.”
Sam smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”
“You’re a very clean man, Sam. I like that in my men.” She blinked hard and laid his hand on her breast. “I also like black men…” she purred. “Very much, in fact. I’ve found they are much more patient and slow with the hands.”
He felt her nipple grow taut, and in one movement circled it with his thumb before he removed his hand from her.
She threw back her head and pulled him down for another kiss, this time more sultry.
When she let him go, his eyes were glassy and his stare was on her beautiful breast.
“Oh…why is that?” He let
his curiosity get the best of him as he slowly rose and cast her a warm smile.
She smiled as he stood up once more. “They tend to be so gentle, and thorough.” Her eyes got big and her smile spread across her face.
“Miss Tilda, you’re an absolute delight…” He smiled back and tipped his hat. “Thank you.”
“And because black men know how to rouse a woman to pleasure.” She laughed.
Sam smiled and winked at her.
“Bring her around; I’ll take care of her personally.”
Riley sat on the edge of the bed, confusion and a strange tinge of fear and excitement curling through her. Sam exposed her to new ways of thinking, new adventures and her life had ceased to be dull the minute she met him. Still, the prospect of going inside a brothel bothered her more than she could say. The things she knew about sex were minimal and Sam had probably already guessed that from her untamed kisses.
Yet something else to consider was what she might learn from these ladies, if only briefly. Her pulse accelerated. What she knew about being a woman would fit in a thimble; however, that might change quickly.
Her disappointment in Sam’s lack of emotions just now ebbed as the prospect of learning so much plied through her mind.
Remembering her cousin, she wondered if she could mimic his character.
The challenge to change into something she was not, made her giddy. What an adventure it was to be with Sam.
But thinking of Sam sent the strangest flutterings of feelings through her. He wasn’t leaving her, and that in itself was a good sign, it gave her longer to figure out how to make him love her. Love! Yes, she loved Sam with all her heart. Still, making him see it, making him respond to her was another matter, entirely. If she wasn’t white, he would have already said something about his feelings, she was sure of it.
But he had some feelings for her or he would have left by now.
Just a little before midnight, Sam crept into her hotel room once more. “Okay, it’s all arranged.”
“What is?” she asked, startled by his lateness.
“We’re going to get your hair cut, and I’ve got the clothes for you here too.” He handed them to her.
She examined the clothes and glanced at him wide-eyed. “You’ve thought of everything.” She sighed.
“Relax, you have nothing to fear at the whorehouse,” Sam assured her. “Everything is set up for you. And they know to be quiet about it, too.”
“I’ve never set foot inside one of those places,” Riley declared. “I’ve been told they don’t wear much clothing.”
“They don’t, that’s a fact.”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“Maybe, but it is safer this way. But there is nothing to worry about. I explained exactly what you need. They agreed to fix you up.” Sam beamed with pride.