Page 52 of Ask No Tomorrows
Miss Tilda firmed her lips and stood watching them for a long moment, then she went to Riley’s side and she jerked her by the hair so she would look at her.
“Now lookie here, girl. Since you got nobody to tell you what to do, I’m gonna tell you,” she began. “No, better yet, I’m gonna show ya.”
Riley dried her eyes and stared at the older woman.
“Come on,” Miss Tilda directed, pulling her by the hand.
They went upstairs and gently opened a door.
There was a couple inside the room, making love. They were groping each other so hard, they didn’t hear anyone come into the room.
“Watch and learn, honey,” Miss Tilda whispered in her ear.
Riley didn’t want this kind of education, but the curiosity of it all had her staring with her mouth open. The man had his head at the woman’s legs and was laping her with his tongue, as his hands stretched to lightly pinch her nipples. Riley felt herself flush. Despite the embarrassment, she noticed how the girl enjoyed it, so much so she begged for more. Then he slid up her young body and shoved his shaft inside her with a hard thrust. Instead of screaming like Riley figured she might, she sighed as though that was what she wanted all along. The woman’s hips came up to thrust against the man as she scratched and clawed his back. Their breathing was loud and sweat dripped from them, but in a moment they both stopped, hanging in mid-air. Riley couldn’t take her eyes away now. The looks on their faces made her crimson.
“What’s happening?” she whispered to Miss Tilda.
“It’s an orgasm honey, the payoff for a woman, if she gets one.” Miss Tilda chuckled, pulling her out of the room.
“That’s how you make love to a man. Mary Beth is my best whore. She gets off as much as they do.” Miss Tilda smiled. “It don’t matter if they are dirty, mean, or butt-ugly, she knows how to turn a rutting man into a lover, and that is the key to making love. If you learn this now, you will always keep your man.
“If you love this man, then you stick by him. You do what it takes to be with him. If you have to give up the ranch and move, then do it. A good man is hard to find. And he’s worth a hundred men, if he’s the right man. Don’t matter what others say, oh, yeah, it hurts, but it don’t matter. It’s what you feel inside you. Look at him, girl. If he didn’t care about you he sure wouldn’t be hanging around willing to get himself killed over you. And it could happen, easy like. If you love him, stand beside him. Be proud of what you have. I can say this, he’s worth more than that ranch if you ask me. You love him right, he won’t be comin’ here, that’s for sure.”
“How do I know I am lovin’ him right, though? I’ve never…”
Miss Tilda smiled. “Let your heart and soul teach you. When you marry a man, the Bible says you become one with them.”
“The Bible? You read the Bible?” Riley found that interesting.
“Of course I do. God forgives everyone, you know.” Miss Tilda smiled gently at her.
“Oh, I didn’t mean…no disrespect. But what does that mean, you become one?” Riley persisted.
“It means when you have sexual relations with your husband, in God’s eyes the two of you are joined and are of one mind.”
Riley’s mouth hung open. “That’s amazing; I always thought sex was dirty.”
Miss Tilda patted her arm. “Honey, it’s the sweetest thing here on earth if you are with the right person.”
Riley stared at her in awe. Then she looked in the beautiful looking glass. “Oh but look at me, I’m a man now. My own father told me I’m plain and ugly. How can I hold any man?”
“True love looks past all that, honey. If he loves you, you’ll know soon enough.” Miss Tilda smiled. “Besides, you’re not ugly. You have an angelic look about you. I think it’s your eyes, they look so innocent. Too bad you never took up the profession. You’d probably be one of my best girls. Now, let’s get these clothes on you.”
Everyone gathered around, giggling at each thing Riley had to wear. Miss Tilda knew exactly where everything went, and showed her how to relieve herself.
“Hope I don’t get in a hurry…” She giggled.
“That won’t be half as hard as tryin’ to relieve yourself in front of a man.” Miss Tilda laughed.
Riley blushed.
When she was fully dressed, the girls walked out on the porch with her.
“Now, hold your head up high. Don’t let these scoundrels get away with this. You beat them at their own game. You get that ranch back, and you love that man of yours, or I will…” Miss Tilda laughed.
Riley smiled. “I don’t know how to thank you all…”
“Oh wait…one more thing.” Nanette squealed with laughter. She left and brought back a hairy thing on her hand.