Page 56 of Ask No Tomorrows
The rain came hard and relentless. April always seemed full of storms in Texas.
Sam got up.
“Riley will be scared witless. I’ve got to go back and help her…” he exclaimed.
Saddling his horse once more he rode back toward the camp where Riley was. But as he searched the area, he couldn’t find her. Where had she gone? He called out to her as he searched.
And then he saw her, she had unhitched the horse, and climbed into the buggy, covered herself totally with a blanket and Nodog was laying at the head of the buggy.
“Riley,” he called as he pulled himself up inside the buggy. Unfolding the blanket, he uncovered her so he could see her.
“Sam…is that really you?” she cried out, reaching for him in the darkness.
“Riley…” he cried and their lips met as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her into a sweet vortex.
Sam knew heaven, for he had it in his arms. He knew he’d come home and he knew Riley was his for the moment at least.
“Hold me Sam, hold me…” she cried as she kissed him back. “I’m so glad you’re back…”
“I’ll hold you, Riley…all night long.” He sighed, pulling her into the cradle of his arms and sighing, he closed his eyes and they went to sleep.
Nodog whined and wagged his tail.
But the next morning, she was storming around the camp fire, not at all cuddling him.
“Why’d you come back, Sam?” she bit her lip to ask.
“Why? Because I knew you’d need me. The storm and all…” He gestured.
“Well, I don’t need you…and the storm is over,” she cried aloud, her voi
ce faltering.
He grabbed her by the arms and looked into her wide eyes. “What’s wrong with you, Riley?”
She stomped her foot and moved away from him. “Nothin’.”
“Good, ‘cause we got a job to do…” he insisted.
“I been thinkin’ on that…” she began. “I’ve decided to sell the ranch.”
“Sell?” He stormed at her.
Sam cringed, trying to figure her out was like working some puzzle in his head.
“How’d you come to that decision?” he barked at her.
Riley poured herself a cup of coffee. “I want something more.”
Sam shrugged his shoulders in exasperation. “After all this time, after all we’ve done, you’re just gonna throw it all away?”
“No, I’m not throwing anything away. I’m going to sell the ranch,” she announced, sitting on the ground now. “You won’t stay and help me run it, and it’s too big a job for one person, especially a woman. And way too lonely.”
“Riley, I can’t stay.” Sam’s voice lowered. He hung his head. “Don’t you know what we would face?”
“Fine, you’ve made your decision, I’ve made mine,” she announced.