Page 12 of A Promised Heart
"Come…you must lay with me now," he told Eve, as his hands reached to cup her face and he drew her closer.
He looked into her beautiful blue eyes as he held her.
"What?" She barely breathed her eyes going wild with some inner turmoil.
She watched his eyes, they held an emotion she'd never seen there and questions began dancing in her head. Her eyes were big and round, but his head bent.
"This is the only way," he whispered. "That I can save you."
"What is?" she barely uttered now
"Lay with me…" he encouraged softly.
With trepidation, she lay on his blanket with him, stiff and shaking with unbridled fear.
Eve's eyes were wide with expectations, but he tried to sooth her as he leaned over her. "Whatever you do, don't scream out. If you want to live…" His hand reached to cup her face again. His eyes studied her relentlessly now. She was even more beautiful close up.
"What?" She looked fearful at him. "What are you…?"
"Don't!" He commanded softly. "Lie still, I will not hurt you. But I must…claim you now." He told her. "Do not cry out. You will be mine now, as it should be."
She laid very still, waiting, wondering, and yet fear escaped her as he came ever closer. His lips hovered over hers. Then he did the unthinkable, his lips came down gently on the side of her mouth, first one side, then the other. She opened her mouth to object and he covered her mouth with his.
His kiss held her spellbound. Like butterfly wings, he tasted, then tastes some more. Suspended in a moment of time, she gasped and he covered her mouth once more. This kiss was relentless in it's pursuit of her. She moved her head from side to side to escape this beautiful torture. And when he wouldn't let go, she found herself melting into the kiss, slowly, gradually letting him have his leave. He rose above her when he felt her give in.
He lay beside her now, staring into her face with a serene smile. "What…are you…" she looked panic stricken, so he dipped his head and his lips touched hers in a storm of passion. This kiss was different; it spoke of desire, of passion, of completion. He smothered her prayer with a white-hot kiss that immobilized her thinking.
Immediately feelings and emotions surrounded her. Unexpected tenderness made her swoon as he commanded the kiss to entice her.
He smelled of the earth, clean, like a summer rain. Her arms went around him to hold on; his skin was smooth and hard with muscle. Surprised the touch of his skin electrified her.
Her heart pounded like a drum, her breath seemed to escape her. She hadn't expected this gentle attack of her senses. It overwhelmed her reactions. Instead of fighting him, she began to surrender. For this was the lover she had dreamed of.
He raised his head to stare into her confused eyes.
At first, it was a mere feather's touch, as he put his hands on each side of her face and held her. She didn't fight the sensations building inside her, she couldn't. Like a storm that blew quick and lustful, it rendered her submissive, totally in his control.
She didn't fight it. How could she fight something she yearned to know more about?
For over two years, she had dreamed of this moment, coming together with this man, but it was just a dream, not a reality. Apprehension, denial, even a last ditch fight for survival had no part of this. Hawk was not fighting her; he was seducing her with his gentle ways. Ways she had known he would have. It was their coming together, her dream come true. Only it was real!
Yes, her heart sang as he touched her soul.
Yet something inside her said fight.
She tried to squirm away, even though the kisses enticed her not to. She quickly realized she wasn't fighting him, but her own reactions to his seduction. The more she tried to deny it, the more it became a part of her.
This man, awakening her, as though the creator from the beginning had planned this moment, brought her dormant sexuality to life. Passion flared in one long surrendering sigh. Unable to fight against his seductive kiss, she surrendered with a soft moan.
He had a commanding mastery of the kiss, that drove and aching need inside her, the desire for another kiss burned through her like a wildfire out of control. Like liquid metals fusing together, melting, and forming new
shapes. His kisses lingered, until she completely succumbed to his domination. She would not fight this. She could not fight this.
A yearning as old as time had come to life and he was fulfilling the dreams she had of him.
He was real flesh now, she realized. And she knew nothing would stop him until he possessed her. However, fear or apprehension was not a part of this.