Page 17 of A Promised Heart
"Why are they looking at me like that?" Eve asked Sootka.
Sootka smiled with understanding. "They know you belong to the Arapaho, Hawk."
"H-how?" She shrieked. "How do they know that?"
"The squaw saw you. She told them…It is a good thing, they will not harm you now."
Eve looked distraught. "I don't understand."
Sootka laid a hand on her shoulder. "They will not harm you now. Your man has made you safe. You are one with Hawk. Just as she told the chief."
"What do you mean…now?"
"The squaw came in your tent last night, did she not?"
"Yes, yes she did!"
"The chief sent her. She was sent to find out if you belonged to Hawk or not. If you had not, then they would be free to take you. A woman with your hair would be valued. But now they know, you belong to Hawk, so they will not touch you."
Sootka said with a glance at the braves eyeing her.
"You mean they would have…"
"Yes…you are a captive. Captives are often claimed by a brave." She told her. "A white woman slave. You must work now, as you are still a captive and if your Hawk does not come back, they will still have you. I tell you this to prepare you. For anything could happen to him."
"Oh my God…" Eve thought about that for a long while. Then had Hawk been protecting her, knowing what would happen? Of course, that made sense now. But would he return in time? Moreover, could she ever forgive him or herself for her part in it?
When she thought on it, it was she that had sinned for she had welcomed his touch and kisses. Her reasoning at the time had nothing to do with his.
"Can she play with the other children?" Sootka asked.
"I suppose, if I can sit out here and watch her."
She nodded. "We must gather firewood, and help cook the food."
"All right, I can do that." Eve agreed.
"Good. You must look busy even when you are not, or they might beat you. They still have the right to beat you, so you must do as I tell you. Only they are afraid of your Hawk. He would be angry if they beat you?"
"Yes, of course." Eve nodded.
"Still, you must keep busy. You will not be harmed as long as you are working. It is the lazy captive that gets the beatings. For everyone must work in camp."
"And can I sleep in peace?" She asked.
"Yes, the old woman will guard you until your Hawk returns. If he does not return, you are at their mercy. And I cannot help you." Sootka explained.
"You have had a white man, for you have children. What happened to him, did Hawk kill him?"
Eve's eyes widened in shock. "No, he died of a fever."
Sootka nodded. "How long ago?"
"Two years…"
"And do you miss him?"