Page 24 of A Promised Heart
"Nope, Jilly is originally from Kansas. She was visiting her aunt here in Texas. We work for her aunt. We were taking her back. So far it's been a lot of dodging one thing or another."
"Where does you Aunt live?" Eve asked trying to be friendly and glad for the distraction.
"Down past Waco. We been on the trail a while."
"Well, maybe you can get a small escort from Ft. Concho." Hawk suggested. "You might need it to get where you are going, that's Indian Territory there."
"That's what we were thinkin'. Say, you talk good English for an Indian, how come?" The heavier set man asked.
"Missionary school."
They nodded.
"Did them Comanche's hurt you ma'am?" the older one asked.
"No, thankfully Hawk here was close by and got us out of there pretty quickly."
"How come you know so much about the Fort?" the young man asked.
"I used to be a scout for them." He answered.
"Well I'm sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves," the girl looked at Hawk and extended her hand. "I'm Jilly Munroe; this here is Talc, Bud, and Jeb."
"I'm Hawk, and this is Eve. Those are her two children, Matthew and Jane Ann."
Jilly rested her hand in Hawks a little longer than was needed, but Eve again tried not to notice.
"Well, we've got to get an early start in the morning, so we're going to turn in now." Hawk told them.
They nodded.
The men got their bedrolls and one for Jilly.
Jilly perched herself on the log that Hawk was sitting on. Everything in her movements and gestures said she was interested in Hawk. Nevertheless, Hawk was not responding. "I've never met a real live Indian before. I mean not one without war paint on. What tribe are you with?"
Hawk looked at her for a moment, up and down and smiled. "I'm an Arapaho."
"Really." She smiled. "Well tell me more…"
Bud the youngest looked at her. "It's time we all went to bed, Jilly. Get some sleep we got a lot of walkin and riding to do."
Jilly frowned at him. "Aunt Violet did not say you could boss me around."
"No, but she said I could." Jeb frowned at her. "Nonetheless, get to bed, girl." Jeb told her.
She made a face, but minded them.
Hawk made his bed away from Eve and the others.
Eve lay down, closed her eyes, and was asleep before she knew it.
The next morning Jilly was doing everything but rubbing up against Hawk to get his attention.
Hawk wondered about her.
Hawk packed up their things and tied them to his back. He glanced around. "You had enough coffee yet, folks?" He asked.
"Shore was good. Jilly here hasn't learned to cook yet." Jeb informed them.