Page 54 of A Promised Heart
"It's for you and your family. I’m getting up in my years, and I got no one to leave it to. I want you to have it. You take care of that family of yours. And if you love her as much as I think you do, you keep to each other and raise a hell of a big family and be happy son. You deserve happiness."
"I can't take your money." Hawk tried to hand it back to him.
"You can and you will!" Jinx said with a powerful frown. "It's your rightful inheritance…from me, your Pa."
Hawk swallowed. "But…"
"I've loved you like a son. I still do. I see all kinds of problems for you, but when love is that strong, and I can see that it is, it can overcome. You hold true to that love. I'm just proud you'll have someone with you at last."
The old man turned to go back in.
"May the Great Spirit go with you my father…." Hawk called to him.
Jinx didn't turn around, he just waved and chuckled.
Chapter Fifteen
Jinx had lain down, promising to get up in time to send them across the River. It seemed he went to sleep almost immediately. For he was snoring practically before his head hit the pillow.
Eve had woken when he came back inside. She checked on the children who were sound asleep and went outside to be with Hawk. She enjoyed their evenings together. There was something wonderful about putting her children to bed, and joining Hawk for conversation, and maybe a little loving.
He was sitting on the bank of the river, only a partial moon lit her path. He grabbed her hand and helped her down the incline.
"Everyone went to sleep."
"You should be asleep too." He said, pressing a soft kiss into the palm of her hand.
"I got a little rest. I wanted to be with you."
He wrapped his arms around her midriff, holding her close against him. He stared out at the river now. A gentle peace came over him, as though her joining him had brought him the peace he sought.
"Are you worried?" She looked at the worry wrinkle in his forehead and nudged him in the rib.
"About what?" His lips skimmed her neck easily now.
"You're tribe will not accept us, will they?" She suggested enjoying his kisses.
"No, they won't. I was blinded by the sheer will of it. However, we are going to make a family and a home, somewhere. We will teach our children good ways, and to love all. We will be happy. But now…I was thinking of Jinx." He stopped and looked at her, seeing the longing within her. "You know, he's been like a real father to me. He's been around most my life, and when I left the tribe, he was the only one I came back to. The only one I cared enough to come back to. Strange, but one can be raised by people that never understand you. Old Jinx he's always understood me. Trusted me. We've been close ever since. He gave me…my inheritance from him tonight…to help us." Hawk said his voice raspy. "It was his life savings. And he gave it to us."
Eve could hear the tears he didn't shed for the old man.
"Oh my…what a sweet gesture. He's a wonderful old man. He must love you very much…Did you meet him here?"
"Yes, I did. Some Apache were chasing me, as I was scouting a war party, and I took cover in his cabin. He helped me fight them off and from that day, we have been very close."
She snuggled against him. "I like him, Hawk. I like him a lot."
His look was relaxed, contemplative. "You don't talk about your folks much." Hawk said staring at her now. "Tell me about them. I want to know all about you."
Her heart fluttered madly in her chest, knowing he cared enough to ask.
"Well, let me see. I grew up back east, in Virginia. We had a farm. I was the only child. My mother and father were strict Baptists. They loved each other dearly, but they sure had a lot of rules and regulations. I grew up hating that. I guess you might say they were somewhat like your folks, they thought there was only one-way to live. Unfortunately, they had my life already planned out. I rebelled a lot. Anyway, we were coming west on a wagon train. Harold had been trying to court me, but my folks thought him too old for me and discouraged it. They were quite strict with me. I was barely fifteen at the time, and a little rebellious. Well maybe a lot rebellious. I never had a grown man pay attention to me, it flattered me. Then, my folks were killed, Apaches attacked the train. I was alone then. The wagon master said I couldn't go on as a orphan, and no one wanted to take me in, as I was nearly grown. Harold offered me marriage. It was that or go back to New England. And I didn't want to go back there. I was already in love with this country. So I married Harold thinking I might fall in love with him if he was good to me. But that never happened either. My parents were right about him. He was too old for me."
"If he was good to you at first, what happened? What changed?"
She sighed heavily thinking about it. "The first baby after Matthew I lost because he was drunk and threw me across the room. We had failed crops that first year, and nearly starved. So, he took to drinking. I blamed him for the baby's death. I don't think I ever forgave him that. Matthew was still a baby. After I lost it, he took to gambling. He lost everything but that little patch of land that we settled. He said I did nothing but fuss at him all the time. Which, I realize now, I did. He didn't want to come home. So he gambled. And lost all our money. Ill admit, I was mad about the gambling and drinking. But the drinking was the worse part of it. He blamed me for everything. Eventually he got to slinging me across the room. I guess after the first time it wasn't so hard for him. When I had Matthew he was happy, to have a boy, I thought things might work out, but after I lost the next baby, I wasn't sure. Then a year or so later, I lost another…I forgave him a lot, but not that. He didn't help me. He left me there in the cabin, went out, and got drunker. If a neighbor woman hadn't come by, I might have died."
"I heard him a time or two, but he was your husband and I knew I had no right to interfere." Hawk told her. "Now I wish I had…" Hawk made a fist and jabbed it into his other hand.