Page 58 of A Promised Heart
"Oh Hawk…I love the way you make love to me. I love that you are not ashamed of our bodies, but seek me out. I loved the way you plunged yourself deep inside me tonight to show me how much you needed me." She cried as she hugged him to her, kissing his strong arms, and moving to find his nipples and caress them with her lips. He jolted inside her, and she smiled.
"I want to lay my head on your breasts and go to sleep."
"Darling the children might see us…"
He carried her to the bank and laid her on a soft bed of grass. His lips dipped to nip the pointed nipples, laving them gently with his tongue. His hand reached to touch her core, stroking her there gently now as the tides of passion ebbed slowly only to reignite. She was tender from his rough manhandling but she seemed to enjoy it tonight, as though it expressed their eagerness to be with one another.
"Will it always be this wonderful?" She asked dreamily as she stretched herself now.
His hands cupped her bottom, erotically moving over the soft mounds there. "Roll over; I want to look at you."
She smiled and rolled over. His head bent to kiss the small of her back, and then his lips went all around her backside, kissing, nipping, and enjoying the feel of her round bottom, the shape, and the textures. He moved her hair and kissed the back of her neck as he laid over her gently, not putting all his weight on her. After he had explored her backside, she rolled over and began kissing him, first his hard nipples, then down his flat stomach to tapering hips and leaning over his manhood as she stared at it in the moonlight. She smiled up at him, "May I sup here and give you the pleasure that you have shown me?"
His eyes lit with a fire, "yes,"
She moved further down, so she could lie down and enjoy him fully. Her lips moved around him, from the base to the tip, slowly, kissing him. He moved against her. Then her hot tongue shot out to stroke him there, and he quivered with white-hot desire.
She smiled again, and this time her mouth opened to receive him, as she gently circled him with her tongue and he plunged deep into her mouth. She took him in, gently supping, until he could hold it no longer and moved to climax.
Kissing him, she moved upward slowly. He was panting and his eyes were like black diamonds staring into hers. "You give me such pleasure woman."
They cuddled, naked, unashamed of their taking.
Their love surrounded them.
They slept for a couple of hours, Hawk leaned over her, most of his body shielding her, until suddenly something cold touched his back. Since she was on bottom, she did not feel the point of steel.
Hawk rose up, but did not move, for he covered Eve because she was naked.
He saw an Indian staring at him.
"Is she dead?" The Indian asked in his language.
He was Shoshone, Hawk realized quickly.
"No…" He said his anger festering that they would take such an unfair advantage of them.
"Get up."
"No, bring me the blanket." He demanded of them.
The three warriors looked about the camp and grabbed the blanket. Hawk stood up, naked, but he quickly wrapped Eve and woke her.
She saw the legs of the warriors and was stunned; grabbing the blanket, she covered herself as she sat up.
"Who are they?" She asked Hawk.
Hawk put his clothes on and faced them squarely.
"They are Shoshone," Hawk voice was tight but controlled.
Scrambling to look dignified, she wrapped the blanket so they could not see her and she hovered about Hawk now.
"They will take us to their camp." He spoke with them for a moment, and he came back to Eve. "Get dressed, and then get the children up."
She nodded and obeyed.
However, as they would have pushed her around, Hawk came to her side and protected her from them. He said something in Indian and they put away their knives.