Page 76 of A Promised Heart
Bended Knee smiled.
"Prepare the children now. Clothes for climbing and staying in trees. We will leave as soon as they seem to camp and we will go deep into the forest and stay until they move on. We must take plenty of water and food too. For we know not how long we must stay. We'll need blankets."
"Will they burn everything?"
Eve drew breath.
She gathered the children. "Put your old clothes on, clothes that are comfortable, and easy to climb in. I will gather food for us all. Cover yourselves good, take scarves and blanket if you can carry them, and water for all of us."
Matthew took Jane Ann into the bedroom and got he clothes out. He dressed her then he dressed himself. He got some good boots out and gave Jane Ann a hat. He took a blanket for both of them.
Eve gathered food she could carry easily and that would last a few days. She prepared canteens for water.
Then Bended Knee took ash from the fireplace and smudged their faces with it, "So your face does not shine in the moonlight."
They nodded. He looked at Jane Ann who had been very quiet and smiled, "You make good Indian."
She smiled and kissed his cheek. Bended Knee looked at here with the happiest of smiles.
He talked with Little Eagle and Bear. The plan was set.
As darkness fell the Comanche grew quieter. Bended Knee made sure they were settling for the night, and then they began their great escape from the back of the house to the forest.
There were two lookouts in the back, but Little Eagle and Bear had spotted them and shot them with their bow and arrows.
They hurried to the edge of the forest and once the weeds and tall grasses covered them, they rushed to find the biggest of the oak trees to climb and sit upon.
"Now, once you climb the trees get up high, cover yourself with leaves and small branches. Lie down on a sturdy limb and be very quiet. You must look like part of the tree, so they cannot spot you. Matthew you must stay with Jane Ann and protect her, keep her quiet no matter what. We must divide the food and water now."
Eve handed them all a canteen and food that she had wrapped individually in linen. Everyone but Bended Knee and Eve had climbed the trees. Bended Knee wanted to be sure she was protected in case she fell.
He followed behind her as she climbed slowly up the tree. She found a good sturdy limb and climbed upon it. "Stay close to the trunk of the tree, as it offers more support."
He nodded and went to find a spot.
"When all is good, I will call you down, until then stay." He instructed.
She nodded.
Eve was not comfortable, but she knew she had to endure it or die. She propped herself against the trunk and the limb and covered herself.
She motioned to Matthew and Jane Ann. Matthew nodded.
It became very quiet.
It seemed as though everyone was asleep. The only sound was an occasional squirrel or owl.
A bug flew on Jane Ann and she almost screamed but Matthew covered her mouth long enough to flick the bug away. His heart was pounding with fear. When the bug flew away, he uncovered her mouth.
However, the next morning early, they all smelled smoke. Eve peaked out of the blanket but Bended Knee shook his head and motioned for her to cover up.
She knew then that her house was burning and all the things Hawk had built for her. Still, she was alive and that was important.
The smell of smoke was strong and once Jane Ann coughed, again Matthew covered her mouth. He moved his hand he put a scarf over her nose so the smoke wouldn't bother her as bad.
Then they began hearing the yelps and hollering of the Indians. They were traipsing through the forest, looking for them. Even though Bended Knee had covered most of their tracks, the Comanche wasn't satisfied. It was their custom of late because of the great chief Quanah Parker that all males be killed, and women raped and killed. Of all of them, Jane Ann was at the greatest risk of being taken captive by them because of her age. Bended Knee would not tell Eve for she would surely panic. Nor would he explain the torture they would put many adult men through, like burning at the stake, or scalping, or setting live coals on the bellies of men, none of this would Eve know. He knew all the terrifying things they might do, so that is why he tried to get them away from the cabin. He knew they would take the cabin over.