Page 84 of A Promised Heart
"Yes…" his voice lowered.
"Good. Now touch me there too." She instructed him.
He bent over her, spread her legs apart, and lapped her. She closed her eyes and swooned. "I feel you there now too."
He looked up to see what she was getting at.
She opened her eyes, "Every time we are away from each other. If I am alive, I will feel you there, and you will feel me there. Then we will know that we are still with each other…"
"I like that," he smiled.
"Do you?" she tempted.
"Very much."
"Now go outside, and think about touching me there with your lips." She smiled.
He did as she asked and thought of it.
He heard her swoon.
He went back inside. "Now I will go out, and see if you feel my presence."
She went outside and she thought of her kissing him there, and she heard him moan softly.
She went back inside, "See…it works."
"Perhaps we should finish what we started," He smiled at her.
"Perhaps we should," she said going into his arms once more.
A contended sleep fell over them a little later.
Before they all went home, the chief had one more gift for the family.
He brought out a small object and handed it to them.
Hawk smiled, "A dream catcher." He nodded with satisfaction as he held it in the air.
The chief nodded.
"What is a dream catcher," Eve asked.
"It keeps away evil while you sleep. It must hang where you sleep to protect you."
"How wonderful, do you have more of them?" She asked.
"Yes, many, you may pick some out. Who are they for?" Black Eagle asked.
"My children, Bending Knee, Little Eagle and Bear and of course Jinx." She smiled, kissing the old man on the forehead. He blushed.
After she picked several out and handed them to each of them, the chief nodded and smiled.
"We will have the wedding now for Little Eagle and Fawn.
Fawn was his bride, and she was very young and very lovely. Everyone gathered for the blessing. Then the ceremony.
Since Little Eagle had no home to offer her yet, the chief suggested using the same honeymoon tipi that Eve and Hawk had used. They agreed. They would join them in a few days.