Page 95 of A Promised Heart
Everyone laughed.
"We'll have a lot to tell Black Eagle about next time we see him, won't we?"
"Yep, I reckon we will." Matthew chuckled.
That evening Eve sat in the rocking chair huddled with a blanket to keep herself warm.
"I can't believe he used a slingshot." Eve shook her head.
"Yeah, he got in a lucky shot. I'm sure he stunned the bear. But I'm glad it happened in a way."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I'm gonna set a few traps out and do a few things to repel animals from around here. Otherwise we are liable to have all manner of visits."
Eve nodded with a smile, "That's probably a good idea."
"How are you feeling this evening?"
"Like a big bear myself. I'm fine, I'm just so big…"
"That will change soon enough, don't you fret, and you only got a couple months to go." He told her.
"I don't know, I don't think I'm going to last until spring…"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I'm so big now, I feel I'm going to pop."
"Are you going to need help?"
"No, I've talked it over with Fawn and we think we can manage." Eve told him.
"You sure?"
"Jinx got that other cradle fixed." Hawk told her.
"I'm glad everything is ready."
A few weeks passed and still the snow was on the ground. The wind picked up too, and it was very cold outside.
A couple of hunters stopped off at their cabin and was shocked to see a white woman with an Indian husband. However, they said very little.
Eve fixed them a big supper and they spent the night in one of the other cabins. By morning, they were gone.
Three days later a congregation of white people was on the front porch.
"Send that woman out here…"
Hawk faced the people. "What do you want?"
"We heard tell you got a white wife, is that true."
"It is…"
"Send her out here, we want to see her."