Page 97 of A Promised Heart
"And he'll meet with the same…"Jinx told them.
After a while, they all went home, and Eve and Hawk were left to pick up the pieces.
The Sheriff came three days later, peaceably to talk with Hawk and Eve.
"You two are married?" He asked when he saw them.
"Yes, by the Shoshone's."
"I see, well, I took the time to check and you are right, this is Indian lands, granted by the government. So I suppose as long as you stay on your land nothing will happen. But I gotta tell you, you've got a lot of white people stirred up over this." The Sheriff told them.
"Sheriff, I was married to a white man for seven years. In Texas. We had two living children and two dead, caused by him kicking me across a room and aborting my children. He died of a fever, and then I met Hawk and we fell in love. We knew the hardships of falling in love with each other. However, we were willing to take the chance on our feelings for one another. The Shoshone Shaman married us; we are on the Shoshone land. My husband has treated me with respect, love, and honor. He has taken my white children as his own, he's raising them and teaching them and caring for them and protecting them. Now we are about to have our children, any time now. I ask nothing of the white people. Only to live in peace. We wish no one harm, but we expect the same from them. My husband was a scout for the U.S. Army, at Fort Concho. He served with honor. He is as American as I am, maybe more so, as he was here before I. All we ask is to be left alone now, and in peace."
The Sheriff considered her words.
"Well, since you're on Indian land and married and respecting the Indian customs of these people. I can see no reason to charge you with anything. Naturally, I don't have to point out the problems of such a marriage. Nevertheless, I can't do anything to change it either. Therefore, I'll let the people know, and legally, my hands are pretty tied at the time being. Laws change all the time; you need to keep up with them. Good day to you ma'am, sir." As he was about to leave he turned to look at them. "One other thing? Do you want to file a complaint about them trying to hang you?
"No…we want peace…" Hawk reiterated.
The Sheriff left.
Eve smiled. "They can't do anything."
"He can't. The people can give us hell, if they want."
"Maybe we not filing a complaint will have a positive effect on them."
"One can hope, honey." He said and kissed her on the nose.
"Oh dear…" Eve cried suddenly, her face in distress.
"What's wrong…?"
"My water just broke…"
"I'll get Fawn."
She nodded and sat down.
When Fawn came in, they went into the bedroom and prepared the room for the birthing. They used a sheet of rain slicker to protect the bed from stains. Fawn fixed the sheets over it, and fluffed her pillow. She put on the boiling water and got the blanket for the baby out.
"You're gonna need two hon." Eve cried as a pain hit her hard.
Fawn nodded and got another.
Eve pointed to a drawer, "In there, there are two sets of clothes for the babies…" She told her.
Fawn smiled and got them out.
She set them on the table by the bed.
"It's going to be a while, probably…" She said then another pain hit her.
Fawn decided she had better check to make sure. This was her fifth pregnancy so the babies could come at any time.
As Fawn checked her, she saw that the progression was much faster, "You will have the babies within the hour!" Fawn said excitedly.
Eve smiled. "I'm usually pretty quick about it."