Page 1 of Be Free My Heart
Chapter One
"Get the hell off her," Matt Younger hollered as he cocked his gun and held it at Jake Simms head, annoyance spread like wildfire, as Matt waited for him to move away from the girl.
Jake froze as his right eyebrow shot upward in surprise. He stared down at Snow Bird, whose eyes darted from Jake to Matt. He mouthed a few unseemly obscenities under his breath, his profane glance glaring into Snow Bird. He paused as though considering whether he should take Matt seriously, continuing to stare at the young Indian maiden beneath him. He had moved her deer skin dress up so ample leg was showing. His lustful glance swept her. She didn't move. Then Jake turned his head just a bit to feel the cold blunt end of Matt's gun.
Sweat dripped from Jake's head and hit the rocks under him. His breath was full of whiskey, his eyes on fire when he saw the .45 Colt Single Action revolver staring him in the face.
Jake grunted, as he moved to get up and twist his head toward Matt. Trying to intimidate Matt, he scowled and roughened his voice. "What the hell is this, kid?"
Matt's held the gun rock hard steady. His resolve was firm. The only outward sign of emotion was sweat beading on his forehead, and the huge frown on his face.
It was muggy, and the air was still, but the humidity made everything damp. A loon echoed a lonely call from somewhere in the distance. The sky was overcast as though it might rain, making it so humid you could feel the rain before it began. The earth smelled of mildew. The wind held a slight chill to it, warning them of on coming winter, as Matt eyed Jake with precision now.
A hawk flew above them, distracting them for a moment with his strange voice as Jake Simms lowered the deerskin skirt and moved away from the young Indian woman, with great aggravation.
"What's the problem, she's just a squaw." Jake tried to laugh. Jake was a bigger man than Matt, he stood at least three inches taller, and must have weighed nigh onto two hundred pounds. He had dirty brown hair, yellow teeth and dull brown eyes, that were most often blood shot from his drinking. Being a large man, he knew he could take Matt with just the right advantage, but he didn't have the advantage, not now, at least. A gun put them at equal strength, especially a Peacemaker.
Matt's jaw tightened, and his hand firmed around the trigger.
"She's a human being, Jake. That's what is wrong. And not yours to take. Not like that at least." Matt hollered. He glanced at the Indian girl and motioned for her to move away.
One corner of her mouth turned upward. She inched her way away from Jake and scrambled to her feet. She watched the interplay of the two men in silence, as she moved away, with the slightest tremor in her limbs.
Tension sliced the air now, it was like an unraveling string between them as Matt quickly realized Jake was trying to figure a way to best him.
Mat quickly diffused his anger. Anger made mend do foolish things. He had control now, and he wouldn't relinquish it.
Jake stood up and put his hands on his hips like a challenge. His steel eyed glance usually unnerved Matt, but this time Matt stood his ground. Relief flowed through him.
He backed up, planted his feet firmly on the ground, but kept the gun level, never wavering.
"You take a gun to me, you better be willing to use it." Jake gritted his teeth and stared into Matt's blazing eyes. "You ever had a woman, Matt?" Jake suddenly teased his eyes dancing with mischief.
"No, but I'd never stoop to this…" He implied the near rape of the girl. "Any low-life can take a woman."
"She ain't no woman, she's a squaw, don't you know the difference, kid?" Jake's eyes blazed at him.
"From where I stand, she's a woman." Matt affirmed giving Snow Bird a slight glance. "And if she isn't a female, then what is she, and why do you want her?"
Snow Bird shot him a curious glance as she slid from Jake to Matt, unwavering.
"Well, you won't understand this, but I need her right now. I ain't had a woman in some time, and I'm a bit raunchy, so why don't you take yourself a nap for a while. I ain't gonna hurt her, I promise you that, just give her a little pleasure. You don't have to watch if you don't want to, but you might learn something kid, if you did."
Jake made a move toward her.
Matt didn't flinch, His eyes narrowed as he pointed the gun at Jake now, and his jaw tightened. "It doesn't take much of a man to take a woman like this."
"I keep telling you son. She ain't no woman, she's a squaw, you don't seem to understand that. You're old enough to know it."
Matt studied that statement a minute. "Then if she isn't a woman, why would you need her? I'd like to hear the answer to that, Jake."
Jake looked stumped. His brows knitted, his nostrils flared, his jaw set. Then he moved toward Matt, Matt shook his head. "You come any closer, I'll kill you, Jake. And I don't want to do that. Don't tempt me to use this gun." Matt hollered as he stood at the ready.
Jake gave pause, as though evaluating whether it was worth it.
Snow Bird finally ran her hands around Matt's waist, hanging on to him, watching them. They weren't but a couple of feet from the river bed, she felt the sharp pierce of a rock below her feet and moved. She eyed them both with precision, obviously trying to decide which man would win, and which man she would go with or run from.
Jake towered over Matt menacingly. His eyes glittered with the challenge Matt offered. His smile widened, a vein popped out on his neck, the only sign of his anger festering.
An unkempt man, he stunk most of the time and he was constantly eyeing Snow Bird. Matt knew when Toby went into town that Jake might try to take an advantage. He was ready for him. He fully realized the stand he was taking and didn't waver. He'd made his decision. He'd live with it.
"You're interrupting my fun, Yo
unger." Jake glanced at Matt with a frown. Then slowly his eyes sought out Snow Bird, he grinned smugly. "Looks like she's taken a shine to you, kid. So, what are you gonna do about it?"
"You stay off her or I'll blow your head off." Matt moved the gun closer to Jake's head as his expression sobered. "The only reason you are trying this is because Toby isn't here. Well, I may not be Toby, but I won't let you rape her."
"What the hell's wrong with you? What do you care? She's just a stinkin' Indian. And why do you think we brought her in the first place?" Jake hollered, turning his full attention to Matt again. He towered over Matt, menacingly. It didn't seem to matter, a gun matched them evenly.
Matt barely glanced at her now, but he felt her warm hands on his waist, her soft breath at his ear, and the drumming of her heart against his back. She was very close to him now, but Matt concentrated on Jake.
"You ain't that dumb kid. Now, move aside." Jake sneered.
"Can't do that. And it doesn't matter why I care, now back off Jake." Matt threatened. "I'm not going to tell you again."
Jake backed up a bit. He took another tack with Matt. "You shouldn't have done that Matt. It wasn't your business. I could forgive you once, maybe, and you already had that once."
"I'm making it my business." Matt still pointed the gun at Jake. "Snow Bird, we're leaving."
"Leaving?" Jake burst out with a gravelly laugh. "Toby ain't gonna like this, kid."
The young Indian squaw moved backward a bit. She didn't seem intimidated, but cautious.
Jake frowned at him as his bushy brows met at his large nose. His nostrils flared, and his face screwed up into a menacing frown.
"I don't care one way or another what Toby likes. I've had it! I've made up my mind. I'm cutting out and you'd better not follow." Matt informed him. "Get your things and my blanket roll, Snow Bird. Pick up the supplies we will need, coffee pot, frying pan, some of that bacon and beans in Jake's saddle bags. Tie them up in our blankets and let's move out."
The young Indian woman moved quickly, packing his bedroll with things they would need, then throwing his blanket roll on her back after she gathered what he had told her.
"We'll need some plates and cups." Matt told her.
She nodded and wrapped them in her blanket.
"Get some rope off his saddle there," Matt told her, barely glancing at her as she moved to do what he said.
She brought him the rope.