Page 27 of Be Free My Heart
Snow Bird fed Matt and the boys they rode with, most of the others seemed to keep to themselves.
But there was no question that Snow Bird belonged to Matt now. Everyone in Sutton's Place knew it, too.
Chapter Six
"We got the hunting detail tomorrow." Ferg announced, as Matt poured himself a cup of coffee, glancing around at the sleeping people on the floor. The sleeping cabin was nearly full now with stragglers coming in every day. The stench grew too, as some did not favor being clean.
There was nearly wall to wall sleeping now. Matt was proud he took a place at the very back, against the wall, so he could have some privacy, otherwise he would never have been able to look at Snow Bird without everyone else seeing him.
Sutton Place proved to be just as Ferg had said. Matt longed for a breath of fresh air, so going hunting sounded like a good idea to Matt.
"Are we all going out?" Matt asked as he eyed
"Yeah, got to. Every time we go out, we must bring back a good supply of meat, as we share it with all the others and as you can see, there are a lot of others this year."
"What about her?" Matt asked pointing to Snow Bird who was busy with breakfast again.
"Now that you took care of business there will be no trouble." Ferg grinned. "She'll stay here and cook for everyone and we'll be back in a day or two."
Matt nodded, "Good. I'll tell her."
When Matt pulled Snow Bird aside to tell her he was leaving tomorrow, she seemed a bit shocked. "Am I to stay here?"
"Yeah, you'll be fine now." Matt smiled at her.
"I would rather go with you." She announced, her eyes going around the room and landing on the other women. "I can cook for you and tend your camp while you hunt I am used to the cold weather and I can take care of myself. I do not want to be here without you and the others."
"I don't know. I'll have to ask Ferg." Matt frowned. "Is there a reason you want to go so badly?"
"The women here are not friendly with me, and the men stare. I would rather go. I think because I am Indian there might be trouble. It is because I'm Indian that they think I'm fair game, just like the black girl."
"But the weather is bad, honey."
It was the first time he used an endearment with her and she put her hand on his chest and stared into his eyes. "I am used to coping with the weather, I am not used to coping with these people." She glanced around the room.
"If Ferg says it's alright, then you can go." He told her, kissing the tip of her nose.
She smiled and nodded.
When he spoke with Ferg again, he scratched his chin then smiled at Matt. "Well, she is Indian, and probably as well seasoned as any trapper. And she's right, you are taking her cleared one thing up, but those other women can be downright nasty, especially when all the men are eyeing her and she's about twice as pretty as them. Women, they get so jealous of each other. Surprised there hasn't already been a few cat fights. I suppose we could let her go. Havin' a good meal at the end of the day might be worth it. Alright, she can go. We all like her and love her cooking. If she was white, I wouldn't hear of it, but her being Indian makes quite a difference. She knows more about survival in the wilderness than a white woman ever would. And I've seen how the women here shun her, because she's Indian. So maybe she's right, it might be better if she did go. Son, no matter where you go, there is going to be this kind of thing, all because she's Indian."
"I guess you are right about that. It doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned, she's my wife and that's the end of it. Thanks, Ferg, I think she was really worried about staying here alone. I mean I have no doubt she could take care of herself, but she could get into trouble doing it. She's right handy with a knife, she's told me."
Ferg almost laughed at that, "Most squaws are good with a knife. They must be. They learn to skin things early."
Snow Bird was relieved when he told her. "As long as you cook for them, they don't care."
She beamed. "I will cook."
Matt rubbed his fingers against her cheek and she leaned into his caress. "Pack up." He told her with a smile.
She nodded and got busy. She knew exactly what they would need and packed everyone's things for them. She was used to them and she didn't mind helping them. They were almost like a family. In fact, they were family.
As they left, the morning had turned very gray. Ferg told them it would snow before nightfall.
"Ferg is right," Snow Bird nodded. "He reads the signs well."