Page 37 of Be Free My Heart
"Right now, I could eat a bear," Matt chuckled.
"I will fix you both a plate. Eat, then rest, then you will tell us all how it went." Snow Bird smiled.
They all sat down the table they were accustomed to using and had some of her stew and cornbread. She had learned the art of cornbread through Margaret. Matt seemed very impressed with her new skill.
Matt watched her almost dance around the stove, she was so happy to see them. He couldn't take his eyes from her and she knew what he wanted, just by the look in his eyes. But now was not the time. Youth made them eager to be together, she reasoned. Her heart never pounded this hard for Too Tall. That saddened her some, but Too Tall had her sister and he was happy with her, why should she worry. Besides, the happiness in her heart for Matt made her think of more pleasant things.
Ferg ate two plates and Matt cleaned his. Then as they sat back and enjoyed an ale that one of the other trappers made, they told what happened.
"The trip down was uneventful, took us three days and two nights. Went straight to the Sheriff's office and turned Jake in. He was a handful, making promises he couldn't possibly keep, of course. I felt I had to tell them of my part in it, to be fair, and because I knew Jake would and they might come after me. The Sheriff said it was a good thing I left when I did and took you with me. He said they got the money back and that was the most important thing from their end of things. There will be a trial, I had to hand them a written statement as to what happened, and they said it would be admitted in the trial. They said since I gave a confession and would testify against Jake that I was free to go for now." Matt said wrapping his arm around Snow Bird.
Ferg nodded. "Jake wasn't too happy about none of it of course. He denied doing anything. I did tell them about Toby being killed. But I left out that it was your gun, Snow Bird. I didn't think they really needed to know that. I just told him he got shot by a stray bullet." He laughed.
"Thank you," she smiled. "I really didn't mean to kill him. But he kept coming at me."
"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you didn't let him get the upper hand." He fastened his gaze on her now. "You could tell that the Sheriff never expected to get the money back. That rarely happens with outlaws." Matt chuckled.
"How about the trip back?" Coon asked.
Matt glanced at Ferg. "We ran into some men that found out we got a reward for turning the money in. Had a little ruckus."
"Reward?" Colby repeated.
"Yeah, we'll split it among us." Ferg told them.
"How much were it?" Raz asked.
"Two thousand dollars," Ferg whispered.
All of them were shocked.
"Your joshin' right?" Coon laughed.
"Nope, that's the reward. Like Matt said, they don't usually get the hold-up money back."
"I ain't never seen that much money, " Raz scratched his chin.
rg looked about to see if anyone heard him. A couple of heads popped up, but he didn't know if they heard or were just rolling over on their bedrolls. It was late, and everyone was getting tired.
"Anything happen here?"
Snow Bird smiled, "I made a female friend. The white woman was nice to me. Her name is Margaret. She showed me how to make the cornbread, and Coon and the boys like it. The black woman doesn't like me, though. I stay clear of her as best I can. Her name is Rose. And Margaret said the Mexican woman sticks with her kind. Her name is Juanita."
Matt smiled at her. "You don't need Rose's friendship. We'll only be here until winter thaws."
"Well, fellas I'm tired and I know Matt is too. We better turn in." Ferg winked at Matt.
Matt smiled, he knew why Ferg wanted to turn in so early. He was giving Matt and Snow Bird some time to be alone. But before they turned in, they went outside to walk around a bit. No matter how well they had hidden under the blankets, it wasn't very private. Outside was more private because few ventured out in the cold. But as much as they wanted each other, they'd suffer the cold to be together.
They bundled up good and he took her hand and led her outside.
They walked a short distance to the edge of the woods and he pulled her against a tree and stared into her eyes, "I missed you…"
"I missed you as well." She tried to catch her breath.