Page 47 of Be Free My Heart
"My kind? What kind is that?" Kat smirked.
Rose eyed Kat for a long moment. "Even I wouldn't mess with love. Besides, she doesn't horn in on any of my men. I won't with her either. It's like we got a truce going. As long as we don't mess with her, she stays in her place and we have no trouble. But even I wouldn't want to fight an Indian, especially a squaw! They carry knive
s, don't you know."
"Well I don't have a truce…" Kat smiled and stared at Matt again. "And I'm not afraid of her, I'm taller and bigger than her. At least bigger in the right places," she chuckled.
"That ain't all…" Margaret warned her. "You see those big four men beside them?"
"Yeah, what about them."
"They protect her, that's what. So, if you know what is good for you, you'll leave it alone."
"Well," she eyes Margaret sarcastically. "Maybe I should start with them. Get them on my side, then I can have Matt." Kat sighed, giving both women the once over.
She cut her eyes at Matt and sent him a flirty smile.
Matt didn't respond.
"But you aren't bigger than those four men who eat with them and they'll tackle you if you try anything."
"Then maybe I will seduce them first." Kat chuckled.
"This ain't no game." Willis heard her and assured her.
Margaret shook her head, "I've warned you. Stay away if you know what's good for you. You start one more thing here, and you are out. I told you to leave it alone, Kat. I meant it."
Margaret came up behind her and pulled on her thick red hair. "If you mess with her, I'll mess with you, and I'm bigger. Those two are going to be a family soon, and you ain't gonna intrude. Understand, Kat?"
Kat stared at Margaret, and moved away from her, rubbing her head. "I suppose…"
"That ain't good enough."
"Who do you think you are? You don't run this place. You aren't the law."
"I am to you, I can tell you. I'm your mama, your girlfriend and your worst enemy that's who I am. And you better remember it honey. Because I'll take you apart if you start messing with him, and that's a promise."
"What a royal bitch!" Kat exclaimed and moved away from them.
Margaret came up to her with a big wooden spoon in her hand, "Don't let me catch you tryin' your wiles on him. You hear me good, girl."
"But she's just a squaw. What do you care?" Kat protested.
"You want your hair, you better leave her alone." Margaret warned. "Because if you try something with her man, and she catches you, and tries to scalp you, I'll let her. Now do you understand?"
"Alright, you bitch, I was just teasing anyway. Like you said, there's plenty of men."
"I don't like that kind of language, you understand me? We try to run a nice place here. Let's keep it that way."
Kat nodded and went back to her side of the room. It was one thing to flirt, another to tackle Margaret.
Willis didn't say a word to her, just stared at her.
Kat eyed Snow Bird after that for a long time.
She looked at Willis. "Do you think she's pretty?"
"Sure do." Willis replied with a smile as he cast Snow Bird a glance.