Page 49 of Be Free My Heart
"Oh, what?"
"I'm in love with my wife, and I'm looking forward to having our baby. I'm not interested in playing your game and there are certainly many men in the cabin that might be, so go play with them. I'm taken."
"You know where to find me if you change your mind." She smiled sexily at him.
He stared after her, but when he looked up at the cabin, he saw Snow Bird staring at him from the window. Huge tears pelted her cheek.
God, she probably thought he wanted Kat.
"'Better watch out, that tree could fall any minute." Ferg warned him.
Matt glanced at the tree and continued cutting, then stood aside as it fell. He glanced up at the cabin and Snow Bird was no longer there.
Matt frowned. How could he possibly make her understand? Kat had come on to him.
"She's a dangerous filly." Ferg remarked when he saw the frown on Matt's face.
"I don't like women who play games like that. Snow Bird saw her and will think the worst."
"Maybe not, after she realizes you love her." Ferg smiled.
Frustrated he worked harder and when they were through for the day, he trudged into the cabin to find Snow Bird heavily engaged in talking to Margaret.
He sighed. Somehow, he had to make her understand.
"She wants him," Snow Bird told Margaret that same afternoon. "And she is white. Maybe he wants her too?"
Margaret came closer, "Now you lookie here, gal. Don't go stirrin' up troubles for yourself. Your man loves you. Anyone with eyes or ears could see that. She's a whore, and it's all she'll ever be. She's one of those kinds that ain't happy unless she's stirrin' up trouble for someone. Don't you let her think you are scared of her taking your man. That's what she wants. The conquest of it all. Don't give her the satisfaction."
"But…she's white…"
"It doesn't matter. He loves you. You know that. Everyone in here knows that. They got ears. They see how he looks at you. And you gotta open your eyes and see it too."
"She kissed him." Snow Bird whispered.
"Did he kiss her back?" Margaret stared into her eyes for the answer.
"I-I don't know…" She shrugged. "He let her."
"Well, he's a gentleman. He ain't the kind to manhandle her."
Seeing Snow Bird's doubt, she took her hands in hers and smiled down at her. "That boy loves you true. Don't let her come between you. That's what she wants. He's your man. Everyone here knows that. You gotta trust him." Margaret told her. "Marriage without trust is no good."
Snow Bird considered her words. "I suppose you are right. It's just…. well, I've never really loved anyone before. I don't want to lose him, he's a good man."
"Of course, I'm right. And it's because he's a good man that you gotta stand up with him, believe in him with all your heart and soul. And you got a baby comin' on. You'll be a family soon. Don't let her mess that up."
"The baby is not his…" she whispered.
Margaret's eyes rounded on her. "It ain't?"
"No, I was raped by the men who captured me from the General Store. He is dead now. I carry a white man's baby. A man I did not even like." Snow Bird explained.
Studying on her words for a minute, Margaret nodded. "It may not be Matt's now, but he's claiming it. He hasn't denied it to anyone. And he's your husband. If he can love the child, then that man is a good man, Snow Bird. Fight for your man. Don't let a trollop like her take him."
Snow Bird glanced at Kat who was flirting with another man now on the other side of the room.