Page 78 of Be Free My Heart
"You offer yourself to me like a present. I don't want to hurt you. You have to last me a lifetime." He smiled. "I only want to please you."
She pushed herself against his mouth, in a rhythm. Needing more of his gentle persuasion she gave herself over to the erotic feelings he evoked from her. He teased and licked and supped upon her there until she reached the hot climax. For long lingering moments, her body raised against his warm mouth for more, then finally lay down with such a sigh of satisfaction she had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming the ecstasy of his love making. It was new to her, strange to her, and the most wonderful feeling. To think her husband could please her in so many ways, thrilled her. At that moment, she knew would do anything for him…
He worked his way upward, stopping long enough to caress the baby, "Soon little one," he smiled, then kissed her nipples that were rock hard with delight.
When his mouth covered hers, she kissed him with abandon. "I've never known such love in all my life," she whispered," moments later. "I never thought it would be this good. I will always love you for this special loving. At a time when making love is more difficult you have made it so pleasurable for me."
He chuckled softly, "I'm glad you are pleased."
"I will have many babies for you, that I can promise. You have made a wanton woman of me." She smiled as he pulled her solidly against him and she rested her head on his chest. He fondled her breasts as they talked in whispers for a while. Then knowing he stirred her, he put his hand to her and in a heated rush, she climaxed again.
"Is there no end to your talents," She swooned.
"I'm counting on a big family, because touching you is such a pleasure," he chuckled. "I've never known such happiness in my life, Snow Bird. I'm so content."
She smiled against his chest. "I liked you when I first saw you at the General Store. I wanted you in the outlaw camp, I saw how you looked at me. I too looked. I wanted to run my fingers through your hair."
"I guess you’re the first woman I ever really looked at like that. There was something about you from the beginning."
"I knew you wanted me, but you had restraint, and I respected that. But now…. I crave you all the time. I never want to be without you!"
"And you won't be." He promised.
"Is it this good with everyone?" she asked.
"No, I don't think so. I think we truly love each other and that is what makes it all so special."
"How long have you loved me," she asked curiously as she raised up over him and stared into his brilliant smile.
"I was attracted at the store, but I never dreamed we'd be together. At the camp, I knew they both wanted you, and I couldn't condemn them for it, for I did too. But when you left with me, when you didn't raise hell or scream out, and went with me. I was in love, just couldn't reconcile it. It was a new feeling. I felt protective of you then, and yet I realized how different we were, how much we needed to understand each other first."
"Because I'm Indian and you are white?"
"Partly, I didn't figure we'd have that much in common, at first anyway. Then later, we were sort of thrown together. I wondered if I could satisfy you and make you happy. I wondered if I could make you forget you had an Indian husband and love me. It was wrong, but I wanted you to forget him."
"You have made me very happy, and I no longer want my Indian husband. I want you, always!" she cried and kissed his lips. The kiss went on and on, until they had to come up for air.
As they cuddled his hands were everywhere, touching her, caressing her, and she moved against him erotically.
He sighed, "I love your breasts."
"And will you be jealous of our child when he suckles me there?" She asked with a chuckle.
"Yes, but I'll behave." He grinned.
"You will be a good father."
"I'm gonna try." He told her and kissed her again, before they cuddled once more and went to sleep.
Chapter Eighteen
When it warmed up outside, people started leaving. The Mexican outlaw and his gang left first. No one was sorry to see them leave, but there was no trouble either. They seemed to appreciate that no one was turning them into the law, so they obeyed the rules.
The Mexican came up to Ferg and the boys. "It was a pleasant stay my friend. I thank you."
Ferg smiled and shook hands with him, "Good luck to you and your people."
"Thank you, my friend." The Mexican winked.