Page 84 of Be Free My Heart
Snow Bird was shocked, and a tear escaped her. "We all love you Raz." She said in a small voice.
He nodded as though he understood. He sounded so normal, she went to Ferg and asked, "Is he going to be alright now?"
"No, he's going to die, real soon like now." Coon broke in on their conversation.
Doolin and Colby listened in. Colby went to talk to Raz for a bit and when he came back, he told Ferg. "He wants to be buried here in the woods. He wants Coon to read pretty words over him, and us sing a song for him, so the angels will hear and take him to heaven."
Ferg smiled. "Then that's what we'll do."
That evening, just as Snow Bird was about to try to feed him again, she looked down at him and saw that he was dead. His eyes stared aimlessly upward, his face serene.
She ran to get the others.
Everyone gathered around him as Snow Bird broke down and cried. "He was a very good man…" she cried.
"Yes ma'am, he was." Coon nodded.
They found a pretty place in the woods to bury him and Ferg and Doolin dug the grave.
Colby stood close to Snow Bird. His concern laced his face.
Ferg didn't say much at all, and that said so much to the others.
As they buried him, Coon found the passage he wanted and read it beautifully to everyone. Then they sang Rock of Ages. Snow Bird didn't know the words, but it didn't matter, she had picked flowers and put them on top of the blanket they buried him in.
They all stood by the graveside for a long time, talking about Raz and the many jokes he used to tell. They all smiled and remembered their friend now, knowing he was in a better place.
It was a sad day, and it was the day that Snow Bird went into labor. Standing by the graveside, her water broke, and pain inundated her.
Colby knew she was ready, and he was there for her, holding her hand, and telling her how he would take care of her through the birthing.
"You've done this before?" She asked him between pain.
"Several times." He smiled.
She squeezed his hand.
Matt was a wreck. He was pacing all over the place. Ferg tried to calm him. Doolin and Coon did their best to calm him down too. However, they all acted like expectant fathers.
Snow Bird suffered greatly because Coon said the baby was turned wrong.
Matt nearly went out of his head. "What do we do now?" He asked.
"I'm gonna turn it for her, so the baby will come out right. She'll be in pain, but it's got to be done or it will tear her up and she might not have any more babies."
"Do what you got to do…" Matt grabbed him and assured him.
Colby nodded.
Coon said a prayer over her. Matt wondered why it was taking so long.
Ferg stopped him on that question, "Babies take time to come into the world, son. It's natural. Even the good book speaks of a woman going through the gates of hell. You need to get used to this if you want a lot of babies."
"Don't tell me that…" Matt's face when white. He glanced her way, "She doesn't even yell or scream."
"That's the Indian in her son. Be thankful."
"I can't believe I'm about to be a father…"