Page 96 of Be Free My Heart
She smiled. "I love you so much…"
He pulled her close, "I am so glad."
"You know, I have thought of it often, but I could not live with my people again."
"Why do you say that?"
"I am more white than Indian now." She laughed.
He kissed her nose.
She fed the baby and Coon rocked his body, so he could rock he baby to sleep.
Little Matt wanted in his lap too, and Coon made room. Matt and Snow Bird laughed. "They sure love you."
"I'd have made a good father, wouldn't I Matt.?"
"You sure would Coon." Matt chuckled.
As Ferg and Margaret lay down, he cuddled her to him and smiled. "Sure, is nice having a woman to snuggle with."
"Shut up, Ferg." Doolin hollered against his blanket.
The trip was long and hard. The Powder Basin was rugged country and Snow Bird showed them the way.
By the time she reached the encampment where her people should have been there were only about six tents.
And there were no men here, only old ones and woman with children.
Snow Bird saw an old Indian resting in the sun and went to speak to him. 'Is my sister here? Little Bird?" she asked him.
"Little Bird is sick."
Snow Bird rushed to the tent as everyone else stayed very still so as not to alarm the old Indian men.
"Little Bird, what is wrong?"
"Yes… my sister. We thought you dead." Her face register shock. There was no smile on her face, instead she looked very pale and weak.
"I am not dead. I am so glad to see you are not dead. But you are sick though. Maybe we can help you."
She frowned and stared at her sister. "You have changed. You have softened your heart with these white people? I want no part of you."
"Yes, I am married to one. Now tell me, what is wrong with you. What kind of sickness do you have?"
"Married! How could you. You were Too Tall's wife."
"I was never really his wife, my sister. He loves you." Snow Bird told her.
"Is Naomi here?"
"No, they took her to the white man's fort. She did not want to go. She tried to escape many times. I fear she will take her own life. She is more Indian than you now…."
"Where is Too Tall?"
Her sister went white, "You do not know?"
"No, how could I?"