Page 14 of My Captured Heart
She stared, her mouth fell open and her eyes were wide with shock. How arrogant! But the suggestive look on his face dared her. Her gaze swept him, quickly, noting the silhouette he made in the pale moonlight. "Well… no… "
"Then I please you…?"
She looked away, "You look fine."
"Fine?" he looked a bit perturbed. He sighed, not looking at her now. "I'm half white. My mother was a white woman."
Now her eyes went over him again, assessing.
"Aren't there Indian maidens who would want you?"
He didn't even glance at her when he answered, "Yes, there are many."
She couldn't help but be spellbound by this arrogant Indian. And yet, she had to admit, she'd never met a better looking one. "You are sure of yourself, aren't you?"
"Yes, aren't you?"
"You are beautiful beyond compare," he told her, still not looking at her. "Surely you know that."
When she said nothing, he turned to look. Something in her expression changed, softened, making her even more beautiful in the moonlight.
"I'm still married!" she informed him.
"Then, you will be my slave." He nodded as though it were settled.
With her options gone, she slumped and turned away.
"It troubles you to be my slave?"
Her anguish was on her face. "It seems I was born a slave… " she sighed but her voice held emotions now and he watched her curiously. "I don't know why I even came with you. I've traded one master for another. And I repeat myself. I cannot seem to find an answer. My escape never works. And yet I keep trying… I have not bettered myself by coming with you, it would seem."
"Except for one thing," he turned her chin up to stare into her sad eyes.
"What's that?" she asked dully.
"I will never beat you."
This time their eyes met. Looking into his eyes, she saw him differently.
"You promise?" she asked.
"I promise." He smiled as if to himself.
"Then I guess we've struck a bargain." She nodded and held out her hand for a shake. He took it and smiled at her.
"When you look out there, what do you see?" He asked as she continued to stare out at the vastness.
"A lonely prairie," she said softly.
"Many years from now, I will ask you the same question. My hope is that you see much more." He said softly and turned and went back to the fire.
She followed him, "What did you expect me to see?"
"To see with your heart, not your eyes. This land is your home, yet you see no beauty here. All you see is the harshness, as that's what your life has been full of."
"And you think that will change?"