Page 25 of My Captured Heart
Hannah followed Deer Runner to his tipi. Inside there was a beautiful Indian woman, her name was Black Feather and she smiled when she saw her. "She is very beautiful."
"She needs clothes."
"I will fit her. Go now." She told her husband.
Hannah stared at the woman. "My name is Hannah."
"Hannah, I am Black Feather. Come, we must find something for you to wear. You are almost the same size as I, so I will fit you with this one," she handed her a beautiful deerskin dress with fringe and many beads.
Hannah looked at it as Black Feather held it up to her.
"You are taller, it will be shorter on you, but that is alright." She smiled.
Lone Wolf went inside the tipi of his father. His father was carving on a bow. The wood was smooth and the arc of it was perfect.
"You've been gone several days." His father looked at him with disdain.
"Yes, I have father."
"Have you a wife now?"
"No, a slave."
"A slave?" His father frowned. "I do not understand. I thought you had a vision."
"I did."
"So, what happened?"
"I brought her with me. She's been mistreated, and I gave her a choice. Since she is already married, she will not marry me. So, I will make her my slave. If she does well, I will give her, her freedom if she desires it."
His father studied what he'd told him and shook his head. "Luki is causing problems. You will need to take a wife soon to stop the trouble she is creating."
"I will speak with her."
"You rejected her? She will not speak with you now."
"Yes father, I did reject her. She flaunted herself at me like a wench. I would not have her. She undressed in front of me. Would you have me marry such a woman?"
"She is most beautiful. She is Indian, and your union will bring good things for our tribe."
Lone Wolf bowed his head, trying to remain calm and looking for the right words to say to his father whom he respected so.
"I cannot marry her, father."
"Then you must take a woman from our tribe." He told him.
"I have looked upon our women, but none have what I seek."
"What do you seek my son?" His father's voiced raised a bit impatient with his excuses. "Why is it such a puzzle for you?"
"Love, like you and my mother had." He told him as his gaze softened on his father for a moment.
Gray Eye stared at his son clearly surprised by his answer. "That is why you made this woman your slave. You think she will come to love you as your mother did me?"
"It is my hope, yes."