Page 28 of My Captured Heart
The Arapaho women came around her again, as though they fully intended to protect her now.
Lone Wolf stared at her and smiled. Hannah smiled back. The Arapaho women nodded, they agreed with her. At that moment she had made them her friends, as she stood up to Luki, unafraid.
Luki went on and on and the Arapaho women took Hannah away. They showed her how to make blankets and how to help tan the hide of a deer. She watched and then they let her try. She was awkward at first, but she got the hang of it. It was tedious work and by the time it became dark her hands were sore from the same position all day.
Lone Wolf stared at her when she came in.
"How was you day?" He asked her.
"It was good, I'm learning." She smiled. She was rubbing her hands and he saw her. He went to get something out of a bag and came back to her. He took her hands and wiped them gently with the salve. "It will toughen them, make it easier for you to work."
The gentle way he rubbed the salve into her hands was stirring, and Hannah blushed.
"Thank you," she murmured all the while feeling something for his kindness to her. He was such a puzzle. She'd never met anyone like him.
He stared into her eyes, they glittered at her. "You spoke up for me in front of Luki. All our women like you now. You showed her that you are one of us. You will be respected. I did not expect you to do such a thing."
Hannah shrugged. "She was very hateful to you. And you are a son of a chief."
He smiled, "Yes, I am."
"That deserves respect."
He became silent as he worked on a new bow for himself. She watched fascinated at the things his tribe could do.
"Luki is very beautiful." She murmured.
"Yes, she is." He agreed.
"Would it be so bad to marry her?"
He was silent a long while then added, "Your husband was strong, capable, and able to make money, was it hard to love him?"
Hannah hung her head. "I see your point, I guess you are right. I'm sorry. I have no right to say such a thing."
He offered a smile, "Luki has a hard heart. She would not bring love, but trouble to me."
"Why is love so important, to you?" she asked.
"Why is it not important to you?" He stared.
She licked her lips, "Well, I guess because I don't really know what it is. So, I don't seek it."
He stared, "When you've seen it, witnessed it yourself, you may know then. My father and mother loved each other very much. And the love they shared spilled over to me, also. I would not bring a child into the world without it. Did you ever have a child with your husband?"
"Do you miss him?"
"No… "
"Our women seem to accept you. Without malice, that surprises me." Lone Wolf commented. "But I am proud you stood up to Luki, and so were they. She is hateful, to everyone. Most of our women avoid her at all costs."
"The women of your tribe, have been good to me, showing me how to work with the deer hide, how to make blankets. I enjoyed learning those things." She told him.
"You will be a fine slave," he smiled.
She made a meal for them with the food they had, and he taught her about some of the ones she was not familiar with. She liked learning these things.